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Eddie and Richie sat quietly in the back while Avi made several phone calls, switching between English and Spanish, sounding annoyed with each one. Richie made Eddie sleep while he stayed awake to keep the boy from attacking their driver.

The connection Richie and Eddie shared made Richie aware that Eddie was still pissed off at Avi, probably for defeating him in their short lived battle.

Once Avi hung up the phone, Richie decided he wanted his questions answered.

"What are you?" he asked, looking at the girl with interest. Eddie was thankfully asleep, so he couldn't get annoyed or jealous.

"I'm an enchantress. That's what I call it, at least. It's better than saying 'demon without the demon.'"

"Eddie got his powers from Hell, though. Where'd you get yours?" Richie asked, running hand down Eddie's back and through his hair to keep him asleep.

"Born with them. Every four generations in my family line one is born. I got lucky," Avi said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "My ancestor from nearly three hundred years ago was cursed, and the curse still lives. The powers are difficult to control and it's hard to have connections with people. They're built for isolation."

"You seem to know a lot of people, though," Richie pointed out, nodding to Avi's phone. "Made a few calls."

"I travel a lot and I make friends. Never know when you're going to need help," she said.

Richie thought her life must be exciting. It'd be cool to move around and meet people with no regrets or have anything to hold you back.

"Are we on our way to meet some of these friends?" Richie asked.

"Sort of. I met a girl a few years back with abilities, as well as a group of outcasts who have more containment devices for demons. Like that one," Avi said, pointing to the one around Eddie's neck. "There's not a lot, but there should be enough. I kept a bunch in case something like this ever happened."

Richie stared at her, shocked that a random girl could be so prepared for a demon take over. Eddie shifted around and groaned, trying to get comfortable in the car.

That caught Avi's attention, and she smiled. "So how'd you meet the demon?"

"His name is Eddie."

"Fine. How'd you meet Eddie?" Avi asked, putting obvious emphasis on the name.

Richie rolled his eyes. "I broke into Sonia Kaspbrack's house."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I wanted to, enchantress," Richie said, calling Avi by what she was, as she had done to Eddie. It only heightened his irritation when she laughed, shaking her head at the attempt to piss her off.

"Whatever, kid. Who opened the portal?"

"Eddie and I. And our other friends. We were trying to remove Eddie's demon soul."

Avi rolled her eyes. "Why didn't you just use the device?"

"We didn't know what it did! I didn't want to risk hurting him," Richie snapped, trying to get Avi to see what he was trying to do.

"Right... so in order to protect him from getting hurt from a device, you guys decided to open a portal to Hell, unleashing angry demons onto your town to possess innocent people? Great planning."

"No one asked for your sarcasm."

"No, but if you want my help, you'll learn to take it," Avi said with a smirk, stopping at a corner store. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need something to eat. Want anything?"

"Nah, but get Eds a cherry slurpee. He's obsessed with that shit," Richie said, looking down at the cute boy who was sleeping in his lap, the anger finally gone.

"Demons and Russians it would seem."


Avi shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Avi went into the store just as Eddie started to wake up. He sat up and noticed they were stopped, smiling when he saw that Avi wasn't in the front seat.

"You got rid of her?" Eddie asked, climbing into Richie's lap and laying his head on his chest.

"No, she went to get your pissy ass a slurpee," Richie responded, laughing.

Eddie rolled his eyes. "I don't like her."

"That's obvious. Why not, though?"

Eddie frowned. "I don't want her to take you from me," he said sadly, noticing how Richie seemed to be okay with the enchantress.

Richie laughed. "That's why you hate her? Eddie, I love you, like I said. Okay?"

"I'm a demon, though. I have issues and she doesn't."

"I don't care, Eds. I love you for who you are, wings and creepy red eyes and all," Richie said, putting his fingers under Eddie's chin and pulling his head up so they were making eye contact. "Can I kiss you?"

Eddie nodded eagerly, pressing his lips to Richie's before the latter could react. Richie laid back on the seat with Eddie on top of him. They made out for a few minutes until Eddie moved so his lips were by Richie's ear.

"I want a relationship with you, but I don't even know what that means," Eddie whispered, resting his chin on Richie's shoulder.

"It's okay, I'll show you," Richie responded, moving Eddie's face so he could kiss him again.

Eddie smiled into it, but pulled away when he heard the car door open and a displeased voice.

"Hey, no having kids in the back of my fucking car," Avi said, glaring at the pair.

Eddie rolled his eyes, but didn't feel angry. Now that he could technically call Richie his, he didn't feel as much jealousy and anger toward Avi. Especially when she handed him the cherry slurpee.

Richie sat you and leaned against the car door. "Sorry, but it's Eddie's car, so we do what he wants," Richie said with a wink.

"I'm driving and you came for my help. So, yeah, I'm calling it mine for now. Buckle in, we've got a bit more driving until we can head back to Derry and save that damn place," Avi said, starting the car and pulling it onto the road.

Richie and Eddie didn't respond after that, Eddie being too busy drinking his slurpee and Richie appreciating his demon boyfriend.

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