Let's Make a Deal

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You stepped into the alley, shaking subconsciously, darting your head back and forth, searching.

Nibbling at your thumb, you tried to feign an attitude by leaning against the groggy, graffiti-stained brick wall, but not before checking to see if it had any gum or things of that nature upon it.
People passed, gave you weary looks, and went about their business. You hoped it was because of your "intimidating" look. It probably wasn't.

Minutes that seemed like hours had passed, and still no sign of her. Where the hell is she? You began to panic. Then, footsteps, splashing into a dank puddle at the end of the alleyway.

Pivoting your head to see, you started from the feet up.
Black combat boots and torn, faded skinny jeans, a white off-shoulder top with a indian's headdress on it, covering it was a black leather jacket and arms, stuffed into the pockets, and when you got to the face, you had to stop a moment and double-take.
The woman's face was...perfect, that about summed it up. Smoky eyeliner and eye-shadow was applied to the upper part of her perfect face, crimson red lipstick adorned her lips; luscious, plump, pouty lips at that. Her hair was a dark color, the lighting was obscuring your perception, so you really couldn't tell, but it was messy, a good kind of messy, though, a sexy kind.

She began walking towards you, knowing exactly where to go like she knew who you were the moment she set foot in the alley. She finally reached you. Her stare made you quiver in places that were too distasteful to even think about.

"You're her, aren't you?" She questioned in a deep, yet feminine voice, and you could feel her breath escaping from her alluring, kissable mouth. "Y-Yes." You stammered, and cursed yourself for your nervousness. She chuckled, and looked from side to side. "Well I'm sure you don't want to do it here, do you?" Her smoky green eyes pierced you, automatically sending signals of ecstasy to your sex. You managed to shake your head and she smiled, "Thought so."
She turned and began to walk off, and it took you a moment to realize she wanted you to follow her.

About a block away, you both arrived at an adequate looking motel, Renny's Hole, it was called. She brushed passed the empty front desk, ringing the bell in a certain lament that you were certain mimicked a nursery rhyme that you couldn't identify. Then, she led you up a flight of stairs, stopped at Room 264 and keyed the lock.

"Here we are," She flicked a light switch adjacent to the door. She walked to the table, where a beige package sat. She turned to face you, "Where's the...?" She trailed, cocking an eyebrow in your direction. Still awestruck by the sudden change in environment and the rebellious beauty standing before you, you'd forgotten the whole reason for coming here. "Oh yes." You searched for the envelope inside your jacket pocket and panic flooded through your body as the pocket it was supposed to be in was empty.

She must've noticed the panic spreading through your face because she groaned, "You've got to be shitting me." You turned, desperate, but before you could plead, she had you by the throat, slamming you against Room 264's door.
"You think you can just walk in here, expect a deal, and have nothing to pay it with?" Fury laced her forest eyes. "N-No." You begged, helplessly gripping the firm hand around your throat. But you noticed something while you were pleading;

You were massively turned on.

Tears now formed at your eyes, but your hands had long fallen. She noticed you stopped begging and resisting. She cocked her eyebrow again, but firmed her voice, "What do you think this is? A game? Because this is real, honey." Her grip tightened, and as it did, the remaining air you had was exhaled as a soft moan.
Her grip unconsciously loosened at the sound. "Did you just-?" Her expression now softened into an amused look. "You planned this didn't you?"
A simple head shake was all you could muster.

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