Shipment: Part 1

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I placed the cigarette to my lips and breathed in, enjoying the stinging sensation in my lungs as it traveled throughout my body, releasing me from any and all stress I had. I leaned up and blew a smoke ring out; laughing slightly, I poked a finger through it and watched it fade.

Maroon colors flooded the street, signifying dusk was approaching. I pushed myself off the tainted brick wall of a rundown drugstore and stomped my cigarette out as I traversed across the street to an abandoned warehouse. I met the rusted iron door and banged on it four times, all with a pause between them. Moments later, a gruff, unshaven man answered and nodded at me, stepping out of the way.
"She's in there." He gestured towards a long hallway, with a jet black door at the end. I nodded and dug my hands in my jean pockets as I walked down it.

I reached the door and hesitated before gripping the handle and opening it. The room was a very noticeable contrast from the dirty, trash-infested exterior. It had a mahogany desk centered in it, various office supplies distributed on it, bookshelves lining the walls, and a large glass wall with various goons on sentry and workers packaging God knows what on the other side. Leathery furniture decked the front side of the desk, and a large chair swiveled around to face me; in it sat a very stunning woman dressed in a black business suit and hair tied in a tight bun.

"You must be Wyatt." Her smooth, feminine voice echoed slightly throughout the room and echoed much more loudly inside me as it rang shivers though me.

"Yes." I plainly stated, my voice surprisingly calm, despite the very much attractive woman adjacent to me.

"Take a seat, Wyatt." She gestured towards a leather chair.

I obliged, and met her eyes as I sat.
"You've come for the shipment, yes?"
I gulped and nodded as she rose from her chair. She nodded and hummed happily, "Yes, everyone seems to come for the shipment nowadays." She now faced the glass window overlooking the factory. I cleared my throat and rose. She turned and glided over to me swiftly only to lightly shove me back into the seat.
"We are not done here." Her voice firmed dramatically. "Excuse me?" My harsh exterior formed again as she leaned in close. "We are far from done."
Her hot breath sent shivers.

Before I realized, she was harshly shoving my shoulders into the back of the chair and straddling me, freeing her golden curls from their tight prison. She shook them out as I watched in awestruck fear. "Wha-" I began to question, but her lips crashed into mine, and she groaned, grabbing my face and pulling me closer. We broke for air, and I gasped at the sudden closeness. "I know about you," She whispered against my lips. "I know what you do." My eyebrows furrowed as she leaned in for another kiss. But before she could, I gripped her wrists and pushed her off my lap. I stood before her and slammed her into the nearest wall, the glass window.

"No, I don't think you do know." I whispered huskily against her neck, nibbling lightly. She sighed and melted into my hands. "Please..." She trailed as I nipped her ear. My hands now trapped her wrists against the glass. "Please? Are you, the notorious drug lord of all New York, begging me?" She uttered a frustrated groan and bucked her hips against me. I chuckled and kissed her neck, trailing slowly towards her chest. I let go of her hands and started to loosen her tie and unbutton her blazer. Her chest heaved and she groaned audibly as I raked my nails across her toned stomach. "This?" I teased, pushing my hands upwards, gripping her breasts and tweaking them between my fingers. She moaned and arched into me, turning her head to the side. "No, more..." She whispered breathlessly. I palmed her stomach and dragged my hand towards her skirt. I hiked her legs on my hips and used one arm to balance her as the other pushed her skirt up her thighs. I stroked my fingers across her clothed sex, gasping at the wetness pooling out of it. She gritted her teeth and enclosed her legs around me. I took her underwear in my hands and harshly pulled them off, chucking it somewhere behind us. I easily inserted a digit into her, pumping slow. "Fuck." She moaned, rolling her hips as much as she could against me. I inserted another finger inside, pumping faster now.

I took a glance over her shoulder and noticed workers and thugs had stopped their actions to gaze up at the scene above them. That's right, I thought, I'm fucking your boss, right here, against her office window.

By now, she was moaning incoherently, clutching at my shoulders, fingernails embedding theirselves into the black leather clothing me. I added another finger and felt her shudder, groan loudly, and then finally collapse into my arms. I took one last look through the window and smirked, waving a hand at the people below as I half-carried her to her desk, laying her upon it. Her breathing evened itself out by the time I reached the door. "Wait," She called after me, desperately, I turned and met her pleading eyes, "Don't leave."

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