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Do you ever feel really lonely?

Like, physically lonely while mentally lonely at the same time?

It's probably just depression but I feel this a lot right now.

If you've been reading for a while, you know that I've dealt with an abusive boyfriend, my ex.

I've also had to come to terms with the fact that a relationship with the guy that I love, have known for years and want to spend my life with just wouldn't work out because we weren't- aren't meant to be forever.

Sometimes I get lonely at night and wrap myself up in my blankets, pretending someone has their arms around me.

Sometimes I get lonely at school because I see my friends finding people that they work out with and I'm stuck with no one really loving me.

I'm not- and never will be- talking about the "love someone because now I can fulfill my sexual desires," no, I'm talking the "love someone because of their inner beauty and the fact that they are a perfect fit."

I just want someone like that.

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