Chapter 4

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She looked down at the concrete avoiding his eyes.

"I told you. I went to the store." She tried to sound convincing, but even she could tell she was lying.

"You're lying." He said simply.

"I went to the doctor okay." She looked at him and crossed her arms. "I wasn't feeling well so I went to the doctor, that's all that happened."

"Then why are you going back Thursday?" He narrowed his eyebrows obviously not believeing a word she said.

"To pick up my medicine." She lied.

"Quit lying!" His voice was rising in anger. He couldn't stand it when people lied to him.

"Fine! You want to know the truth!"

"Yes!" He threw his hands up in the air.

She lowered her voice and looked away from his peircing eyes. "I knew something was wrong and Susane suggested I go to the doctor, so I did. They took some blood and sent it off to be tested. When it came back they confirmed that I had Acute Lymphoncytic Leukemia."

"But that's cancer." His eyes widened on the last word. "No."

"Yes." She nodded her head and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"But, how. No this can't be happening!" He ran his hands through his hair.

"Harry, I'm scared." Her voice cracked and for the first time since she got the news, the tears started to fall.

He rushed forward to hug her and she buried her face in his longsleve white shirt. He had to be freezing. She cried onto his shoulder and he held her tightly. When they broke apart she saw that he was crying to. She wiped away a tear.

"What are we going to tell the kids?"

"I don't know, but for right now let's keep this between us."

She sniffed and nodded her head starting towards the door. Harry grabbed her arm and she turned to face him.

"Why weren't you going to tell me?" He looked hurt.

She sighed. "I know you've been really busy lately and I just didn't want to upset you or anything."

"You can tell me anything no matter what." He kissed her cheek. "I'm sure everything will be fine."

"Your probably right." They walked together back into the warmth of the house.

Man, were they wrong. Things only went downhill from there.


Two weeks later.

Sarah woke up with a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach, she knew the familiar feeling and grabbed one of the cardboard buckets beside her small hospital bed. Her stomach lurched and she threw up into the small cardboard dish. She pushed the call button and a nurse was there in seconds.

It was the second time in two weeks that she had been to the hospital, but this was the first time they wanted her to stay a night so they could monitor her health.

She was having a lot of sideaffects from the chemotherapy even though she had only been doing it for a week and a half. The first dose wasn't so bad, she had felt a little dizzy a few hour after, but then she was fine. The second dose however was much worse, which is why she was in the hospital at the moment.

The nurse reduced the amount of medicine pumping into her from the IV and left. She tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. She really wanted to talk to Harry so she called him. He had wanted to stay with her, but she made him stay and take care of the kids.

"Hello?" His voice was slurred from sleep.


"You know it's three AM right?"

"Yeah, I can't sleep."

"Well you need to try, We don't want this to get any worse."

"I guess so."

"So is there something else bugging you?"

"I was thinking maybe it's time to tell the boys."

"Okay, but can I do it tommorow?"

She smiled. Typicall Harry. Always thinking about sleep. "Sure."

"Good, now can I go back to sleep?" He laughed a little.

"Love you to." She said sarcastically.

"You know I love you." He protested.

"I know. Bye." She laughed and hung up. Hearing his voice had calmed her down some and she fell asleep.

The Final Goodbye [SEQUEL] (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now