Chapter 8

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I thought this song went really well with the chapter/ Harry and Sarah's relationship. Be sure to listen to it!

Harry watched as the nurses came and drew blood from Sarah's arm then checked her vital signs.

"I'll be back later with the results. Until then get some rest." She picked up her things and left.

Sarah groaned and rubbed her stomach, it had been hurting all morning.

"I wanna go home." She whined.

"You can't do that." Harry came over and sat beside her.

"I know, but I wish I could." She mumbled.

Harry chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"It's not funny." She thought about smacking him, but she was exausted although she hadn't done anything.

"I'm sorry." He said sarcastically. He swung an arm around her shoulders and laughed. She pushed his arm away and turned over so her back was facing him.

"Oh come on! I was just kidding."

She ignored him and closed her eyes. He stood up and walked to the door, glancing at her before leaving.

She knew he would come back so she went to sleep.


Later Harry shook her awake and she waved him off.

"Go away." She groaned.

"Sarah are you still mad at me."

"Yes." She mumbled laughing.

He smirked and reached forward. She burst into fits of laughter as his fingers dug into her sides.

"Harry! Please!" He stopped when a nurse came in the room.

"Is everything okay?" She asked quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine why?"

"Your heart rate increased and we get notifications whenever that happens." She looked between Harry and Sarah.

"I um... I'm fine sorry." She could see Harry was blushing and didn't want to embarrass him any more.

"What exactly just happened." The nurse crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry it was my fault. I was trying to cheer her up so I started tickling her." His face was now the color of his bright red shirt.

"Mr. Styles may I remind you that Sarah is very sick and getting her over-excited could be very bad for her health."

"I'm very sorry, it won't happen again ma'am."

She nodded and left. Sarah immediatly let out the laughter she had been holding in the entire time.

"Haha! That's what you get for tickling me!" She laughed.

"Stop laughing. Your heart rate might go up again." He mocked the nurse.

She laughed even harder and was caught off guard when Harry slammed his lips agaisnt hers. She pratically melted when he slid his tounge into her mouth. Then she felt the familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She pulled away, but Harry pulled her back. She smacked Harry's chest and he pulled back. Before she could even move her stomach lurched and she threw up all over herself, Harry, and the bed. Harry screamed and jumped back whipping off his vomet covered shirt. She grabbed a bin and threw up again.

A nurse came into the room and adjusted the settings on her IV.

"I'll be back in a minte with some clean sheets."

Harry was at his bag getting something clean to wear. She couldn't show her face because she was so embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry." She mumbled.

"It's not your fault." He grimmaced as he pulled off his jeans.

She admired how even though he was getting older he still had his toned body.

The nurse came back and tried to help her stand up, but she threw up again. The nurse finally got her into the bathroom and helped her clean up. Then she changed Sarah's sheets.

"Thanks." Sarah smiled at the friendly nurse.

"No problem sweetie." The nurse left

Harry stood by the bed, but hesitated before sitting down.

"Could I get a warning next time?" He smirked.

"I tried to get away, but you pulled me back!" She groaned.

"It's not my fault I love you."

He leaned in, but she stopped him.

"I think I should brush my teeth before you do that." She laughed.

"Yeah that would probably be a good idea." He helped her up and she went into the bathroom once again.

She brushed her teeth and started to comb her hair gently. When she was done she looked at the brush and sighed. It was full of hair.

"Will you still love me when I'm bald." Sh surveyed her appearance in the mirror.

"Of course." Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I'll always love you no matter what." He smiled sweetly.

"Thanks." She kissed his cheek.


Okay so this was a pretty boring chapter, but I just needed to showhow much they love each other and how sick Sarah really is and this chapter did this. At least I think it did...

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