Chapter 7

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Sarah stood looking out of the kitchen window at the small stone with flowers lying in front of it. A pair of arms wrapped around her waist, but she continued to stare at the spot where Rosy was buried.

"You alright babe?" Harry whispered so that the kids wouldn't hear.


"We need to go now." He kissed her temple.

She sighed and rested her head agaisnt his. "Okay."

Harry had called the boys to take turns staying with the kids the next week while Harry was with Sarah at the hospital.

They walked into the doctors office and she checked in then the doctor brought her to a room where she would be staying for the next week.

This particular dose of cheotherapy was going to make her very weak and the doctors wanted to make sure she was alright. They had decided to tell Emily and Darcy about the cancer and they tried to explain it to James and Adam, but she didn't think they understood.

"Okay this might hurt a little." The doctor filled the shot with a clear liquid and tested to make sure it was working. Harry took her hand and kissed her cheek.

The doctor moved closer and inserted the needle into her skin. She squeezed Harry's hand and immediatly began to feel dizzy. The doctor pulled out the needle and set it down.

"All done."

It felt like someone had just punched her in the arm really hard so she let go of Harry's hand and rubbed the spot.

"Why don't you lay down and relax, that medicine should make you sleepy."

She nodded her head and the doctor left. She layed back and got under the sheets.

"Come here." She patted the space beside her. Harry smiled and crawled next to her. It was a small bed so they were really close, but they didn't care.

She layed her head on his chest and draped her arm across his waist, and he put his arm around her. It was only a few minutes before the medicine started to take effect and Sarah fell asleep. 

Harry watched her slow breathing and soon he fell asleep to.


He was awoken in the middle of the night by Sarah's coughing. He opened his eyes slowly and then started to panic when he saw that Sarah wasn't coughing but gasping for air. Suddenly two nurses came running into the room.

One of the nurses held Sarah still while the other gave her a shot. Harry could only stand there looking terrified.

Sarah's body relaxed and her eyes closed.

"What just happened?" Harry choked out.

"Alergic reaction." The nurse pushed her hair behind her ear and put an IV into Sarah's hand.

"This isn't good." The nurse whispered to the other

"What do you mean?" Harry asked becoming more distraught by the minute.

"I think we need to keep her here for another week."

"What? Why? Is she okay?"

"Mr. Styles please calm down."

"No! not until you tell me what's going on!"

"We are going to run some tests in the morning, but until then we won't know what's wrong." The other nurse said as she hooked Sarah's IV onto the medicine bag.

Harry sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. "This can't be happening." He mumbled.

The nurses left and Harry let himself cry silently.

The Final Goodbye [SEQUEL] (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now