Chapter 13

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Dear Sarah,

It's been a week since you left me, and it's been miserable. I haven't been able to leave the house, and I can't bear to talk to anyone, so I guess that's why I'm writing this. It just feels like I should. I know your probably mad at me for the way I'm acting, but I can't help it. The first few days I just felt sad, then I was angry, but now it's like I'm empty and I have the worst feeling of all, nothing. I've lost my appetite, and I don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to lay in my bed all day, I want you back Sarah. I miss you. I haven't even seen the kids since your mum took them away that day. I just can't handle seeing them right now, or maybe I don't want them to see me like this. I don't know anymore. It's like I'm lost in some world I don't know. I'm lost without you. I wish you would come back to me. I broke down crying right onto your cold, lifeless body at the funeral and had to be led away, but I could barely walk. I didn't get out of bed for three days after that. I know the boys are getting frustrated with me, but I don't care. I don't care about anything anymore. I just feel like an empty shell. When you died, so did I on the inside. You were everything to me, and now your gone and I'm here. Alone, all by myself. I know I promised you that I would stay with the kids, but it's only been one week and I'm already ready to leave this cruel world, but I won't because I promised you.

He set down his pen, crumpled the letter and threw it into the fire. He watched as it was engulfed by flames and slowly turned black, before turning to grey ash.

He saw a light flash from the corner of his eye and saw that Tina was calling him. He turned the phone over and trudged back up the steps to his bedroom. He hadn't had the heart to move out all of Sarah's things so they sat in the exact place they were when she went into the hospital.

He stretched out on the bed and hugged her pillow. It still had a faint smell of her, but everyday it faded a little. He sighed and walked into the bathroom and ran water of his hands then rubbed his face. He stood back and looked into the mirror at his reflection.

He hated seeing it. His hair was sticking out in all directions, he had bags under his eyes, his lips were chapped, and he was as white as a ghost. He looked at his slightly smaller stomach and realized that he hadn't eaten in over two days.

Ironically, at that moment Louis walked into the house and the smell of tacos floated up the steps. For th efirst time in a week he was actually sort of hungry.


Harry walked down the steps and met Louis at the table.

"You okay mate?"

Harry just sat down and pulled a taco out of the bag. Louis frowned and watched him as he nibbled at it.

"Tommorow we're all going to Ed's concert. Do you want to come with us?"

Harry shook his head slowly and put down his taco. He wasn't hungry anymore.

"Harry, please. I'm worried about you. Please come, if not for yourself, do it for me please." Louis begged. He looked close to tears.

Harry sighed heavily and nodded his head. A small smile came to Louis's lips, but quickly dissapeared when he saw that Harry was crying again. He walked over and hugged his friend and Harry cried silently into his shoulder.


"Harry. You can't wear that." Louis sighed. "Come on." Harry followed Louis back up the steps.

Louis started to reach into his closet, but when he toughed one of Sarah's shirts Harry grabbed his arm and slung himback. He lost his balance and fell to the floor.

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