3. P h o t o

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"Professor... do we have too?" Georgia let out a small sigh as she watched their headmaster set up a camera in his office. The sorting ceremony was due to start in 20 minutes but the four Lysander's were escorted up to the Headmasters office before they could settle in the Hall.

"Yes Georgia. It is yourself and Benjamin's last year with us, so I'd like to gather a portrait of Hogwarts first ever separate housed family before you depart.... Deanna, scoot closer to Nora for me. Benjamin, a little to your right." Dumbledore peered over his moon spectacles, a gentle and humbling smile. Deanna grimaced in her sister's direction, not wanting to sit any closer to her. Out of her siblings, Deanna had a very on and off relationship with Nora. If they were alone together, they would be fun and adventurous but when others or their other siblings were involved, she would sometimes turn cold and unbothered. Nora still couldn't figure out why... maybe it was a Slytherin thing or perhaps a young teen thing.

The photo was taken and they were dismissed promptly as the sorting was due to start any minute. The doors to the great hall opened and together the four stood at the entrance momentarily. It was like something from a heroic fantasy book. All eyes watched them as they slowly departed to their house tables. It was quite satisfying.

Nora waved at Lily as she walked the other direction, reminding herself to catch her up on what just happened after the feast was over. Nora's house peers wished her a welcome back when she sat down. To each Lysander, they were seen to be like representative for each house. It was something Nora found very uncomfortable and extremely annoying. She wasn't important or influential. She was just a magic girl like all the others but all because her siblings were split into each house, they were bombarded with attention, everyone would try and become friends with them and some would even twist it to the idea that they were the 'new generation founders of Hogwarts'. The founders weren't even related and Slytherin was a dude so it annoyed Nora to her very core but there was one name that drew the line; The Legendary Lysander's. The name Nora detested the most. The last time she checked she was a witch, not a kiddy superhero.

"Nora! Did you have a good summer? You look great!" Garrett Watson, a 6th year Hufflepuff with a square chin, round spectacles and fluffy dirty blonde hair beamed at her. Nora put her goblet of pumpkin juice down and smiled.

"Wonderful thank you Garrett, and yourself?" Her angelic smile lit up the table, catching others around them and drawing them into the conversation. Garrett blushed, trying to loosen his tie as the heat hit his cheeks.

"So so good. Really good, yeah good!" He babbled. "Nora I was wondering if you want to stud-" he's proposal was cut short by the beginning of the sorting. A lot of boys would always be interrupted by something whenever they tried to ask her for help, to date, or something of the nature involving them being alone together. She was grateful for whatever would interrupt them and she would always panic in that situation. Nora was a cheerful, bubbly and outstanding type but due to overthinking about EVERYTHING she had a habit of shutting people out and kept to herself when she could; it was due to the unwanted attention and because of her lack of trust towards those who tried to be friends for the sake of names. Nora hated being alone, but she found it was easier that way - Lily was really the only person who understood her and her worries.

The sorting ended quickly, students growing more eager for the food to appear in front of them. Keeping her cool, Nora focused on her dinner and let her mind wonder to what Lily was doing or what her other siblings were chatting about with their friends. Thinking about it, she envied her sisters' and brother. They were the right level of collected and comedic and they didn't over think anything. Looking onto the Gryffindor table, she caught the blaring sound of the 4 Marauder boys. Over the 5, now 6 years she had been at Hogwarts, she was met with their relentless flipping shenanigans and a considerable amount of small talk from when she would spend time with Lily (which mainly consisted of hiding from them but sadly they would always find them.)

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