10. G a r r e t t

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He kept his word on having Nora's back. As the months progressed, he kept close watch of her and anyone else who was close. The morning was rising, the pink and orange sun peaking through the trees as Sirius leaned against a very thin covered snowy rock, chatting away with Nora as she was in the Hippogriff pen, tending to her morning feeding job. He sighed at her tired eyes, the look of exhaustion and fear growing as she kept searching for uncovered answers of what happened that night. 

After seeing that she was okay, he left quietly and back towards the castle to tend to his other friends. Sirius never considered himself the caring kind as he grew up in the least caring environment ever but it was the reason he surrounded himself with good people; to rid himself of the dark demons that would follow him. He ran from his home before the 6th year had started and kept it very quiet but knowing his mother, the whole school already knew. He wasn't an open man when his feelings were involved but he had been developing a soft spot and it wasn't something himself or his friends were used too just yet.

As the late morning continued, Sirius, James and Peter stood on a bench in the overflowing corridor to look around and laugh at people as they let off secret stink bombs. Naturally, they were caught and received a week's detention. Good ol' McGonagall! 

Back over in the Great Hall, Nora, Alice and Poppy sat together in their free period studying about nocturnal beast whilst Nora looked into advanced signs of werewolves again. Nora was an incredibly bright girl, which she didn't get enough credit for, and her suspicions were up. Looking back through all the previous events, signs in her text books and theories, she knew one person could confirm her suspicions. She looked frantically around the hall for the familiar frizzy dirty blonde hair and too her luck she saw her Ravenclaw robes drift passed the door. She fell over the bench, groaning as she moved too quickly.

"Nora! You okay?" Poppy gasped, rising quickly and leaning over the table, trying to cover Alice's mouth as laughter erupted from her.

"Yes! aha! I just saw my sister and need to ask her something, take care of my bag!" Her voice faded to an echo as she half ran half limped out of the hall. "GEORGIA!" 

Turning with raised brows, she waved her sister to follow her as she was on the way to class. Catching up rather poorly, Nora took her hand and carried on limping. Her limp faded as Georgia's wand pointed towards her ankle. She was grateful that her sister was training to be a healer. "What's going on?" Georgia tilted her head.

"I need you to confirm a theory for me but not in public. It's quite important." Nora stopped them and kept her voice hushed. Nodding, Georgia opened a locked broom cupboard they were closest too and pulled them in, casting Lumos to see her sisters quizzical expression. "Okay... So I had been theorising this for 2 months now..." Nora began and ran through all her notes, ideas and evidence.

"Yep. Nail on the head." Georgia shrugged, sweet and short. Nora's eyes went wide and the air flow stopped momentarily.

"A-are you sure?"

Georgia chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Of course I'm sure. I figured it out in my 4th year, it wasn't until my 5th year when his friends started to help him. Remus is a werewolf Nora... Now! If I get a detention for being late, on your head be it!" She opened the door and let the two of them out into a sea of commotion, yelling and arguing. A fight broke out down the by the entrance hall. Being Head Girl, Georgia intervened. Nora wiggled in to see what was happening and glared at whom was the cause of it. In the middle was Garrett, Nicholas, James and Sirius. Sirius had squared up to Garrett's chest, his wavy long hair brushed back and his eyes menacing. 

Nora stepped in front of Garrett and folded her arms as her brow twitched upwards, a look of sadness and disappointment swam in her eyes as she looked at her friend. Sirius felt time freeze, her eyes swallowing him whole, a light bulb moment ignited and then shattered into thousands of pieces above his head. Hitting him like a 100 mile per hour train, his heart leapt and could feel the urge to pull her towards him and hold her tight. She was only supposed to be the object of his amusement, not the cause of his heart to wake up.

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