8. H o g s m e a d e

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(Let's take a moment to appreciate TT Bret's cosplay of Sirius Black. Swoon! Anyway back to the story)

The Marauders decided to gather some of their friends from the other houses and plan a trip to hogsmeade, wanting to spend more time with some of the guys in their year as they seemed to spending a lot of time with the girls recently. Waiting in the entrance hall, Sirius stopped mid conversation with James when he spotted Nora and some younger girls from Slytherin.

"Oi you!" He hollered, holding his hand up to James to say he'd be back in a moment. Rolling his eyes, James chuckled and turned back to the other guys.

"You? I do have a name, you long haired prat." Nora snorted, stopping on the spot with her arms folded to keep herself warm. Molly, Grace and Donna were friends of her little sister; she was on the way to help them find her.

"Remind me of it again?" Sirius cheeked, stuffing his hands in his pockets and pushing his tongue to the side of his cheek. He loved to wind Nora up any chance he could get. She felt a little flutter in her stomach and it didn't help that the girls standing next to her were grinning and giggling at them.

"Ugh." Nora smirked ever so slightly. "Get on with it Black, what do you need?" She looked over his shoulder to see a large group of his guy friends watching her, smirks and flirtatious grins plastered on them.

"We've got a partnered test coming up soon so we need to start studying at some point." Considering that he spent every waking second pulling pranks, Nora was gobsmacked that his tone was so... no pun intended, serious!

Nora's eyes bulged, looking around at students passing them in hopes that she wasn't the only one who heard what he said. "Did one of your pranks backfire and hit you in the head? Did you say study... or am I having a stroke?"

Sirius barked out his famous chuckle. He loved her humour. "Yes actually, the prank part not the stroke, but we do need to start studying - I'm not all smiles and hair you know! We'll sort out the details later, I've gotta go. See you in a bit princess!" He winked, walking backwards to catch up with the 8 boys as they started to head towards the door for their trip. Nora crossed her arms and closed her eyes, a deep sigh exiting her body.

"Sirius, quit peacocking - She's not interested" Nora heard Remus laughing in the distance, watching the boys walk off 

"Have my babies." Grace blurted out once he was gone, bursting into laughter with the others. 

"Keep it in your pants woman. Come on, let's go find Deanna before I head out too." Nora rolled her eyes at the young Slytherins but none the less, an unfamiliar flutter in her stomach appeared suddenly.


As it was getting closer to the Halloween season, the girls took off towards the town they loved to visit after Nora finished helping her sisters friends. The roads were decorated in the corpses of the empty trees; leaves of brown, yellow and orange crunched below the girls feet as they casually strolled into Hogsmeade for a shopping trip, the wind whistling through the naked branches dancing that fine Autumn.

"Mars Bar, where shall we head to first? To get decorations or Honeydukes?" Nora stopped walking a moment to pull Alice's coat closer to her as she shivered, taking off her Hufflepuff scarf and wrapped it around her cold friend. Nora had a natural urge to take care of her, a real mothering touch. She always did for her siblings so naturally the feeling was the same for her friends. She smiled internally at that word. She did have friends already but to know the feeling was purely mutual from Lily, Marlene and Alice, it gave her the greatest of comfort

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