22. H e a t e d

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Students settled quickly after returning from their holidays and school was back in full gear. The pressure was on for students with exams coming up, final career decisions to be made and time was beginning to tick on.

Nora and the large group of 7th years sat around various house tables in the great hall, studying and writing up drafts for their end of year formal overview. Many eyebrows were creased from frowning, barely a whisper could be heard and and if stress could be heard, it would sound like a scream. Sirius and James sauntered into the great hall, their arms full of materials they purchased from Zonko's the weekend before. Eyes flickered towards them with unimpressed scowls to follow. Nora looked up to see what everyone was looking at and she too glared at them. Getting up from her seat, she scurried over quickly and blocked them from walking further.

"What are you two doing?" Her tone was sharp, hushed and quick. The boys bit their lips and batted their eyelids; it was a poor attempt to look innocent.

"Everyone is tense so we're giving everyone a break. A fun firework filled one" James shrugged, Sirius nodding eagerly next to him. Nora felt her heart rate increase, not wanting to play the bad guy but she was starting to be frustrated with how Sirius had been acting up since they returned to Hogwarts. Lily soon joined Nora in blocking the way to the other end of the Hall.

"You will do no such thing. James, you're Head Boy for crying out loud! And the pair of you are getting on my last nerve this week!" Lily's voice was also hushed and quick. The boys snickered, looking back and forth at their angry girlfriends.

"Sirius. A word. Now." Nora didn't show any sign of kindness in her tone. He had seen Nora angry once but this was different; it was something Sirius hadn't heard before and for the first time, he was slightly worried. He put down his armful of fireworks and felt the small hand of Nora drag him out of the hall by the end of his shirt. Now alone in the entrance hall, he was met with angry eyes. "What is the matter with you!" She barked.

Sirius was taken a back but this time, he mirrored her expression. "Lighten up princess! Ever since we all got back here, everyone's become so stressed and moody. They're worse than Moony before his wolf period!" He barked back, arms folded in defence. Nora snorted a laugh, her hands on her hips as she shook her head at him.

"Maybe because we have to decide what we're doing after school ends! It's bad enough we're reading in the newspapers every day that Voldemort is getting stronger but we're running out of time and I..." She stopped herself from rambling as she saw Sirius roll his eyes. She felt steam cover her and rage course through her. "Grow up Black." She growled, the heated argument fizzling as she walked towards the door. Sirius grabbed her by the wrist, gaining her attention back.

"Don't walk off!" He huffed. She pulled her wrist back and tightened her jaw.

"Then don't give me a reason too." Was the last Sirius heard before watching her walk off. His jaw tightened, annoyance and guilt boiled his core. He didn't mean to upset her but many images were flashing through his mind after he visited Nora over Christmas. He saw dark images of death, power and destruction after reading the news. He tried avoiding it but he had to keep up to date. He barely saw his brother around school and his suspicions of why were tormenting his soul. Sirius felt worry for Deanna too, hoping she wouldn't be provoked or dragged into any of the dark issues that were rising. Needless to say, his behaviour was childish. He wanted to cling on to what could be his last moments of childhood before it would be taken from him and his friends.

He peered around the corner, watching as Lily confiscated their contraband and stomp out of the hall, James following behind her begging for a chance. Sirius peered around again, catching view of Nora before his heart sank. She wiped several tears from her eyes, cleared her throat and shuffled through her work again as if nothing happened. Naturally, Sirius sulked and stormed away to find a place to lay down.

- - - - - - -

It had been a week since Sirius and Nora's argument and everyone had noticed the tension. Nora had avoided the great hall as much as possible and spent more time down at the Forbidden Forest than with her friends, especially as Sirius was always there. Sirius being the stubborn boy was refusing to apologise because he felt he shouldn't have too; after all, all he was trying to do was enjoy his time here instead of forgetting to live in the now like Nora...

Laying on the bench with the large group of 7th year boys around him, Sirius ignored all the different conversations as he stared at the Great Hall ceiling, his eyes fixated on the enchanted ceiling full of stars. His brows scrunched down as he could have sworn he saw the stars transform into a couple, dancing elegantly through the Milky Way. He rubbed his eyes quickly and the image disappeared. He snorted, frustrated at how his brain had be continuously playing tricks on him. He was missing Nora but he didn't know what to do to resolve the issue. Sitting up, he joined in with some of the others in chatting, keeping his mind distracted.

He looked over at the great hall entrance and he groaned, dropping his head at the sight; as it was Saturday, Nora decided to go for a girly day out with Lily and Marlene. She was wearing her favourite floaty dress and she was holding one of Sirius' jumpers to keep her warm. He drank in her face, feeling proud and content at how beautiful, pure and kind she was and that she was happy with her friends at least. Still watching her, he grinned as she put on his jumper, running her hands down her arms, feeling the material in her fingers before she made her way out of the hall.

"I'm sorry baby." He muttered to himself, before rising, giving a quick goodbye to his friends and followed out after her. He kept his distance behind her, his hand stuffed in his front pockets as he quickly stalked behind her. She hummed as she walked, a light skip in her step. She went all the way to the top of the Astronomy Tower to a little corner at the back where students would hide, play music, fool around and get the best view of the stars. Sirius hid behind a wooden beam, watching to see what she was doing.

On the left side, there was a record player with a few records littered around from where muggleborn students had left them. Nora sifted through them before putting one on; Love hurts by Gram Parsons came on quietly and Nora sway a little before leaning against the railing, looking up at the sunset. Sirius stepped out, lit a few candles that were dotted around with his wand and gently turned the music up a little. Nora frowned at the sudden increase, turning and bit her lip. Without a word, Sirius took her hand and pulled her to his chest, wrapping his arm around her waist and swayed them around, his lips resting on her forehead.

They didn't talk, they just kept each other close and felt the warmth for a while. The sky was now dark and the records had stopped. Swaying in the silence, Sirius lifted her head and locked eyes.

"Forgive me?" He pleaded. She nodded, pressing her lips to his bearded cheek. She was starting to like the rugged side of Sirius' looks but she did also love the clean shaved look too. Best of both.

"You are right though - it wasn't until Lily took me out today that I realised that I need to enjoy every part of this place whilst it lasts.. I'm sorry too." Nora sighed, turning towards the railing again to look at the stars. Sirius wrapped himself up in her, keeping them warm and pressing kisses to her neck.

As the night grew on, needless to say it was a very physical apology as well as verbal.

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