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A/N: Hello all. I remembered that i said i would do one about a tattoo, so, here it is. By the way, no research.

Guys! Requests! I need 'em! Pretty badly! So PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE leave requests in the comments or message me.

Also, i'm thinking of doing a new book 'Watching their movie' Let me know if you think I should publish that, I've already written the first chapter.


Age: 17-18 (rtte season 5)

Couples: Hiccstrid

Place: Berk


The Gang were doing the yearly Thawfest races, but this time it was different. Berk was facing a disastrous heatwave, and you were sweating within two minutes of standing outside.

The Gang couldn't be bothered painting, Hiccup especially. (He had learnt his listen from a previous dragon race...) Every time they tried to paint themselves, the sweat running down their bodies would take the paint with them. Hiccup and Gobber were worried a certain something would show through, but luckily for them, it didn't. Well, in the way they thought, anyway.

Astrid was wearing no armour, just her leggings and shirt. Fishlegs was wearing his usual attire, minus any extras. Ruff had taken off her long coat, and she was wearing shorts. Tuffnut had also ditched his coat and swapped to shorts. Hiccup was wearing his red tunic and pants, with little armour still on.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to this years Thawfest! It's sweltering hot today, So I suggest we get started! First up, The sheep lugging!" Stoick called out to the crowd, which had gathered around the ring. With the gang already panting, Gobber dropped the sheep on their backs. Like the usual, Snotlout won.

Snotlout also won the log roll, speeding it up immediately so everyone would fall off. Hiccup lasted a good while, until his leg got stuck in the wood and he was flipped off, bruising his shoulder with the fall.

Although when it came to the axe throwing, everyone was interested. Last year, Hiccup had been too sick to participate. And there had definitely been a muscle build up, confirmed by Astrid herself. So when he was sixteen and two weak to hold an axe, he had lost. But this year, it was different, Hiccup won. Snotlout through his axe, and he got a yakseye at three barrels high, like the years beforehand. But when Hiccup grew taller, his target was four barrels high, one more above everyone else. Hiccup through his axe with one hand lazily, not caring about the current events. But, it hit the centre of the target, and the crowd went wild! For the lack of effort in his throw compared to Snotlout, Hiccup went home with the point.

That was yesterday, now it was time for the dragon events. It had come down to Snotlout and Hiccup again, but somehow Astrid ended up in there too.

Gobber explained the course, not much different to a few years ago. The only differences was that the flying time had been increased by 50 metres, and the dragon's were chained down, not enough to hurt them, but to test intelligence.

And thus, the race began. Astrid zoomed ahead, passing Snotlout easily. She made it to the top of the logs, and headed for the next obstacle.

Snotlout had tried to throw a punch to Hiccup, but he dodged it, making Snotlout lose his balance and fall over. Hiccup soon enough joined Astrid in the rock climbing. She was nearly on the top, and she mounted Stormfly. She flew off to start the flying.

Hiccup was towards the bottom, rocks flying everywhere nearby. He reached out his hand to grab something, when a rock came down and hit that hand and shoulder, clearly popping it out of place. He screamed, before going deadly silent and loosing his grip. The crowd gasped as Hiccup fell to the ocean below, unconscious because of the immense pain. Snotlout, who had reached his dragon by now, was trying desperately to get the chains off so he could save his cousin, while Toothless was pulling and tugging, knowing his rider was in trouble.

It was all down to Astrid, who had turned around because of his scream. She and Stormfly dived after him, and caught him seconds before he hit the water. She flew back to the arena, and landed in the middle next to Gothi, Gobber, and Stoick.

Hiccup started groaning and he opened his eyes.

"Astrid?" He mumbled.

"Hey babe... we need to take off your shirt so we can see your shoulder, okay?" Astrid told him gently, placing a hand at the bottom of his tunic. Hiccup's eyes widened somewhat.

"Wait... no, you can't." He mumbled, trying to pull away Astrid's hand with a really weak grip.

"Well, we have to." Astrid said more sternly, swiping his shirt upwards. Before Gobber could do anything, they had seen it.

The whole village saw it.

His friends saw it, including Snotlout who had just flown in the academy riding Toothless, and Hookfang in tow.

His Dad saw it, most importantly.

"Oh my gods..." Astrid whispered, staring at the large tattoo spread across Hiccup's back. She blushed immediately, she found it 'Hot'.

The tattoo craftsmanship was splendid, sharp lines and no out of place dots, like most tattoos have. It was a night fury, with it's wings spread across his shoulder blades, the tips going past his actual shoulder. There were multiple swirls coming to and from the night fury, and two other dragon's in the corner, the very bottom of them going under the string of Hiccup's pants. The main night fury, however, was missing one tailfin, defining that it was Toothless.

The crowd gasped, Hiccup had hardly even become of age. Hiccup was more awake now, and he was laughing nervously. His Dad towered over him, angrier than a hungry gronckle.

"Who, where, when and why!?" Stoick shouted. Some of the crowd 'ooooooh'ed, while others were laughing and rolling around on the floor. Hiccup chuckled nervously before answering his Father.

"Who? Gobber," Hiccup started, and Gobber ran out of there immediately. "Where? The forge. When? Last week, why? Because I could." Hiccup stated, folding his arms across his chest smugly, but wincing because of his shoulder. Despite how angry Stoick was, he knew that nothing could un-do the tattoo.

"Get him cleaned up," He said, looking at Gothi. "And then we need to talk," He said to Hiccup who gulped nervously, before he walked out of the arena. The twins were laughing hysterically the whole time.

A/N: Yeet. I should probably be doing homework, but I'm hungry. Then I'll watch some David dobrik, and then some conspiracies, and then the day will be gone, another day without homework. I'm meant to be at school too lol.

LOL anyway, leave requests and lemme know about the gang watching their movie.


Published: 19 August, 2019

Word count: 1115



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