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A/n: Jealousy. Yep, its finally here. Not much to say so... enjoy. Oh wait, self promo:

Read my new book: Watching Their Movie! 

I've uploaded the first few chapters.


Age: 19-20 (After rtte, before httyd 2. Snoggletog, so there were no dragons.)

Couples: Hiccstrid, Heathlegs

Place: Berk

Summary: Hiccup gets jealous of a wondering trader. What can he do to win back the love of his life?


Snotlout, the twins, Fishlegs, Heather and Astrid were gathered in the great hall, eating their breakfast. Soon enough, a yawning Hiccup and an emotionless Stoick walked through the massive doors. Hiccup wondered over, clearly tired. He slipped into the seat beside Astrid and snaked his arm around her waist, kissing her cheek.

"Hey," Astrid smiled.

"Morning Hiccup!" Fishlegs greeted happily. 

"You're looking pretty tired, did you get any sleep last night?" Heather asked.

"Barely," Hiccup replied, "Dad was lecturing me all night on how to treat traders."

"That's random." Tuff claimed.

"Not really. There's a lone trader coming to Berk in a few days." Hiccup explained.

"Cool!" Ruff said.

"Great," Snotlout sarcastically commented.

"Try and keep your excitement contained, Snotlout." Hiccup retorted, making the gang laugh.

I'm feeling lazy. Time skip, a few days later.

Hiccup, Stoick and Gobber were waiting on the docks for this wandering trader.

"So, you know nothing about him? And your going to buy his produce?" Hiccup asked, wary. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"And we know what happens when Hiccup has a bad feeling, Stoick! Something bad actually happens!" Gobber claimed.

"Well, you're feeling is wrong. My Father used to trade with this man, so try and have some respect."

"Chief! That kids gut is on point! What about the time around the King Of Dragons? His gut said something bad was going to happen, and what happened!?Something bad! You and I both know I'm right!" Gobber argued. Looking out to sea, Stoick cut him off.

"Enough, Gobber. He's arrived." He said, walking off.

"What ever happens, Hiccup, I'm on your side." Gobber whispered before joining his chief. Hiccup smiled at how serious Gobber was being about his gut feeling. Soon enough, he walked over.

Hiccup did nothing but frown when he saw this trader, nothing like what he thought. Big muscles exploding out of his singlet, big build. This trader could crush anyone in seconds. Not as big or as strong as Gobber, but still huge. He had a strong jaw line, and striking blue eyes. He had brown hair, kind of like Hiccup's, but not as red or as short. This man's hair traveled down his back. The first thought that Hiccup had was:

He. Had. No. Chance.

Hiccup was a nothing compared to this guy. Eventually, Hiccup came back to his senses, annoyed, and folded his arms across his chest.

"Jack," The trader said, shaking hands with Gobber and Stoick. He walked over to Hiccup.

"Oh, your small. Is this the runt of your tribe?" Jack asked, meaning to insult Hiccup. Stoick paid no attention to his tone, whilst Gobber did.

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