Chapter 34

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The day seemed to drag on. I could feel people looking at me as I walked through the halls. Word had spread that Hannah Walker had gotten into a fight. People knew who she was. Even with the large population at Uni Hannah made a point to be known by everyone. However since most people didn't know me I was refereed to as "girl from the magazines" I was actually happy about that. I liked flying under the radar. School was a place where I could just be whoever I wanted to be. No one knew my past drama and no one judged me for getting good grades and being a nerd. I wasn't known as Louis Tomlinson's sister, or the pregnant girl, or the soccer player. I was who that girl who showed up for class, took notes, and left.

Don't get me wrong, I did socialize but I didn't have many friends. Not real ones at least. I had the common friends in class who you say hi and bye to but then you don't speak outside of class unless you need to know the assignments. And it's not that I didn't like being those things, but sometimes its nice to get away. I didn't know how much longer that would last though.

Going to daycare to get Cole was one good part of my day. When the lady brought him up to the lobby of the daycare he ran into my arms. “Mummy!” he said as I picked him up. Thanking the workers I walked out to the car and drove home.

“Mum? I’m home” I said as I walked into the house with Cole.

“Upstairs” she called back.

I quickly went up the stairs with Cole still in my arms. Walking into my mom’s room I saw her folding clothes on her bed.

“How was school? Only a few weeks until exams right?”

I groaned, thinking of just how much I hated taking those tests “Yeah about 3 weeks. Then the semester s over”

She looked over at me and smiled “Are you wearing your brothers sweatshirt?” she asked

I looked down and realized that I still had Stan’s Jack Wills hoddie on. “No, its Stan’s” I said as Cole crawled out of my arms onto the bed

My mom gave me a strange look and raised her eyebrows “Stan’s?”

“Yeah, I had a bit of a mishap at school with a cup of coffee, and Stan saw me. So he gave me this to wear because my shirt was soaked.”

I didn’t want to tell my mom about Hannah. My mom hated Hannah. She never liked that Louis dated her and she never cared for her attitude.

“Well that was nice of him. I see he’s starting to come around. I told you he would” she said giving me an encouraging smile

I laughed “And aren’t you always right” I said sarcastically, “and yes, he is.”

“What do they say! Mum’s know best! And besides I have known Stanley since he was a young lad, he just lost his head for a little bit, like that brother of yours”

I laughed and then asked my mom to keep an eye on Cole as I took a shower. The smell of coffee still lingered all around me.

I was just starting my homework when my phone rang. A funny picture of Louis flashed on my screen as it rang. It was a picture of him doing a surprise face while in a matching outfit with Cole. It was cute but then once you looked at Louis face it was hysterical

“Lou! Love the picture” I said laughing

He let out a “huh?” and the after a moment started to laugh “Oh I thought you would like it. I forget that I took that”

“What’s up brotha” I said still laughing

“Swaga masta from Doncasta!” he said in a serious tone before laughing again.

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