Chapter 1

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7 Years after (Y/N) made the deal with Ozpin

Piccolo: " Hey (Y/N), wake up! You're going to be late! "

You got up and put on your gi, ever since you made the deal with Ozpin you had been excited to go to Beacon. You had grown exponentially since then as well mentally and physically. 

You walked downstairs with your bags to be greeted by Piccolo

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You walked downstairs with your bags to be greeted by Piccolo.

Piccolo: " So, you're finally are going to Beacon. You remind me of your father when he was a teenager you know. "

(Y/N): " R-Really? "

Piccolo: " Yep, You look just like him. Do you have everything? "

(Y/N): " Yeah, I believe so. "

Piccolo: " Well, you better hurry or you're not going to reach the airship in time. "

You look at the time, you had two minutes. 

(Y/N): " Crap! I got to go Piccolo! "

You grab your bags and give him a hug.

(Y/N): " Thank you for everything. "

Piccolo: " No problem runt. "

You run out the front door and see the airship beginning to land.

(Y/N): " Oh shit! "

You begin to sprint towards the airship as fast as you can. You reach the landing point and you see the ship, about to take off without you. You throw your bags into the open end of the ship and fly as fast as you can towards the entrance as it begins to close. Right as it seems that the ships doors were going to close, you slide as the doors slam down behind you.

(Y/N): " That. That was close. "

You grab your bags as you get looks from people who saw the entire ordeal you had gone through as you sat down next to a window. The hologram projector was talking about a man named Roman Torchwick and a faunus civil rights protest, you gave both of these news stories no thought at all until it was interrupted by a blonde woman with her hair tied back. You walked over to the hologram as she began to talk.

Goodwitch: " Hello and welcome to Beacon, my name is Glenda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend the prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future huntsmen and huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it's our turn to provide you with the knowledge and training to protect our world. "

The hologram ends and everyone goes to the windows to look over Vale. It was nice, until you saw another boy getting airsick near you.

(Y/N): Internally  " Guess not all of us are fans of flying. "

The Golden Hunter: RWBY X Male Saiyan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now