Chapter 7

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You were eating lunch with Ruby, Yang, Blake, and Weiss, along with team JNPR, whom you had made good friends with. You finish eating and look at all of your friends.

(Y/N): " So, what do you want to know first. "

They all just look dumbfounded. 

(Y/N): " Uhhhhhhhhhhh, is something wrong? "


(Y/N): " So? "

Weiss: " HOW?! "

(Y/N): " Training. "

Yang: " Ignoring the fact that you just ate an incredible amount of food and didn't end up like Jaune the first day we met him, how does that Kaioken thing work? "

(Y/N): " Well, the way it works, it trades stamina for power, and I can multiply it up to twenty times. "

Pyrrha: " But, back there you only went up to times five. "

(Y/N): " Well, I didn't want to kill Yang. "

Ren: " Speaking of which, what are those Senzu Beans you carry around with you? "

(Y/N): " They can heal any injury, no matter how bad it is. I usually carry a couple on my person, about eight at a time maybe, just in case if I get hurt. "

Jaune: " One of those would have been helpful with my fight against Cardin earlier. "

You begin to hear laughter behind you. You turn around to see Cardin and the rest of his team surrounding a bunny Faunus. 

Pyhrra: " Speaking of whom, he's been picking on you since the first day of school. "

Jaune: " Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah....... He just likes to mess around, you know practical jokes! "

Ruby: " He's a bully. "

Jaune: " Oh please, name one time he's " bullied " me. "

Your friends begin to list off times Cardin has given him hell for no reason, including the time he shoved Jaune into a rocket-propelled locker and sent him flying, but you were still listening in on the unrelenting bullying that was happening a table over from you. 

Jaune: " I didn't land that far from the school. "

Pyrrha: " Jaune, you know if you need help, you can just ask. "

Nora: " Ooh, we'll break his legs! " 

Jaune: " Guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me, he's a jerk to everyone. "

????: " Owwww, that hurts! "

You look back to see that Cardin was pulling on the Faunus girl's ears, tightening his grip and laughing his ass off as he did so. 

????: " Please, stop........ "

Cardin: " I told you it was real! "

Russel: " What a freak! "

That does it for you. You teleport behind Russel.

(Y/N): " Would you care to repeat that you son of a bitch! " 

You punch him in the face and send him flying across the lunchroom.

Cardin: " What the hell! " 

Another one of team CRDL, Dove, swings at you pitifully. You dodge it and uppercut him onto a table, breaking it as Dove crashes down onto it. Sky then jumps on your back and puts you in a headlock. You grab his arm and flip him over your body, slamming him into the ground. Cardin charges you to try to take you to the ground.

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