Ten Thousand Reads!!!!!!!!!!

685 7 5

YA'LL, I SWEAR!!!!!!! This is the second story I had wrote that hit 10K before the end of a year! That's fucking insane to me and I can only thank you all for your support and comments (seriously though, keep them coming, they're probably my most favorite part of writing is reading your comments and responses). Once again, thank you all so much for reading my stories. It means a whole lot to me to make someones day, because it really makes me feel good knowing that someone out there, someone who I don't even know that personally, who might be having a bad day or going through a tough time, might sit down and look at my story and possibly feel better, even if it's just for a little bit, and to those who might be going through something right now, keep going. I've gone through some tough times and that's one thing I remember, because when everything seems like shit, and looks like nothing will go right, just fucking plow through it. It will get better, it will be alright, and there will always be someone to be there for you. You family, your friends, hell, even your pets, care about you in some way or fashion, and will care about what you're feeling or what you think. Just remember, that things will get better, no matter what, just keep going. Thank you all again for ten thousand reads, and i'll see you in the next chapter.

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