Chapter 23

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You kept track of Blake's ki signature as you ran to the front of Beacon. When you reached the front you saw that Yang and Blake were lying on the ground. Yang was unconscious and had a tourniquet around the stump of her arm as Blake held one of her hands around a stab wound she had received from Adam. You walked over to Yang's body and grabbed her hand as your breath became uneven and shaky. You felt your heart shatter as you remembered your promise to Yang that you would always be there for her. You didn't know how Yang would feel about you after this. You began to worry, until you heard someone call your name.

????: " (Y/N)!   

You turn around to see Piccolo with a large bag tied around his waist. 

(Y/N): " Piccolo! You're ok?! "

Piccolo: " Yeah. I was grabbing something back at our house when all of this started. Are you ok? "

You look back towards Yang.

(Y/N): " I've been better. "

Piccolo: " I know. (Y/N)- "

Before Piccolo can tell you what he was about to tell you, you feel a massive ki signature coming from Patch. A familiar ki signature, one that you felt very recently. 

(Y/N): " You felt that too Piccolo? "

Piccolo: " Yeah. "

Then, one Atlesian solider gets a call on his Scroll.

????: " There's someone attacking our village in Patch! It's only one person, but they're taking us out one by one! Requesting back up immediately! "

Piccolo looks at you.

Piccolo: " Kid, you stay here. "

(Y/N): " Piccolo, I have to come with you! "

Piccolo: " NO! You aren't strong enough! " 

(Y/N): " Are you kidding? I've reached a Super Saiyan Three! If we both work together we can take my uncle down! "

Piccolo: " You don't get it! He'll kill you! "

(Y/N): " Not if the both of us work together! "

Piccolo: " You know what........ You're right. "

You step in front of Piccolo so he was behind you. 

(Y/N): " Don't worry Piccolo, I WON'T LET YOU- "

Suddenly, you're struck in the back of the neck. It didn't take long for you to fade out of consciousness and hit the ground face first.   

Piccolo POV

I struck (Y/N)'s neck as he stepped out in front of me. He fell to the ground as I looked around for a second before I found Ruby Rose. 

Piccolo: " Ruby! "

Ruby: " Y-Yeah? "

I pulled the bag off of my waist and I pulled out a small sheet of paper and a pen as I write down something important to me. I then put the paper in the bag and handed it to Ruby.

Piccolo: " Whatever you do, no matter what, get this to (Y/N) when he wakes up. This is really important to me that he gets this when you see him next. "

Ruby: " Ok! "

I turn back towards the direction of Patch.

Piccolo: " I'm ready for you......... GOTEN! "

I fly off in the direction of Patch. I track down Goten's ki signature and as I fly in it's direction. I see dark smoke as Goten's ki signature gets stronger. I fly down to see Goten blasting houses left and right. 

The Golden Hunter: RWBY X Male Saiyan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now