Chapter 5

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After Ozpin created the teams you went to your dorm and straight to bed. Tonight was unlike the first night where you didn't have any night terrors or nightmares. You had seen visions of "It" and what you went through that day, but the nightmare wasn't the worst in the world. You woke up after it got worse. You were in a cold sweat when you looked at your watch.

(Y/N): " Damn, only Six AM, well i'm not going back to sleep after that. *Sigh* I guess I can go train............ "

You wake up and go to the bathroom to change into your gi. When you take your shirt off you take a look at the scar that went from your lower left abdomen to the right of your chest. It was a constant reminder of your greatest failure. You hated it, and always kept it covered up so no one had to see how ugly it was. You stare at it for a moment before putting on your undershirt and then the rest of your gi. You left the dorm quietly as the rest of team RWBY slept quietly. You found an open field and began your workout. First you ran around Beacon twenty times to stretch your legs, then you did ten thousand push ups and sit ups each to get a small sweat going. You begin your workout by practicing your punches and kicks, trying to make each punch and kick perfect. After a bit you decide to practice ki blasts and special moves while going one hundred percent.

(Y/N): " Alright, time to get serious! "

You power up as far as you can go without transforming as you place two fingers on your forehead and begin to charge the Special Beam Cannon, a name that you thought was questionable, but you don't question Piccolo. After about two minutes, when it's charged fully, you point your fingers at a large boulder and fire. The boulder gets annihilated as the Special Beam Cannon tears through it. You then fly up into the air and begin to charge another attack that Piccolo taught you. You open your hand up and hold it out to the remains of the boulder, you then create a ball of ki that you condense more and more power into. 


You fire it at the ground and it causes a massive explosion, creating a massive crater.

(Y/N): " Good, that should be enough for now. "

You grab a Senzu Bean from the sack on the side of your gi and eat it. Almost instantly, all the tiredness and lost energy vanished and you were overcome with energy. You look at your watch to check what time it is and it said it was seven forty-five.

(Y/N): " Everyone else should be awake by now, might as well head back. " 

You fly back to the dorm and when you get back to your team's room, you knock.

(Y/N): " Can I come in? "

Yang: " Yeah, come on in! "

You walk in to see Blake, Yang, and Ruby in their school uniforms. Ruby walks over to Weiss with a whistle about to wake her up, but before she could blow into it, you grabbed it from her.

(Y/N): " Don't do that, she's our teammate. "

Ruby: " Come on! "

(Y/N): " Seriously, it's better to try and stay on her good side, if she even has a good side. "

Ruby: " Ok, i'll stop. "

(Y/N): " Good. " 

You grab your school uniform and go into the bathroom so you could shower and change. 

Ruby POV

As (Y/N) walked into the bathroom, I began to talk to Yang about him.

Ruby: " Hey Yang, remember what you told me about (Y/N) feeling familiar? "

Yang: " Yeah? "

Ruby: " Well after yesterday, I think I know who he is. "

Yang: " The boy we ran into years ago? "

Ruby: " Yeah, but there's been one thing that's been bothering me. "

Yang: " And what's that? " 

Ruby: " (Y/N) has a similar gi to the boy he even used that same move, the Kamehameha, but the boy had blonde hair, not (H/C), like (Y/N)'s hair. "

Blake: " You were both saved by a boy with blonde hair? "

Ruby: " Yeah, about eight years ago, we were in the forest surrounded by Beowolves. We both thought we were going to die when we were saved. "

Blake: " Well something similar happened to me a couple of years ago as well. I was attacked in an alleyway by two men, they threw me against a wall and then tried to stab me to death, but I was saved by a boy with incredible strength and power. He healed me, then he left. "

During all this talk Weiss woke up.

Weiss: " Good morning. "

Yang: " Morning Ice Queen! "

Weiss: " Why does everyone call me that! "

Ruby: " Because you act like one. "

Weiss: " What are you all talking about anyway? "

Blake: " We're talking about (Y/N). "

Weiss: " What about him? "

Ruby: " We think he saved the three of us when we were younger. " 

Blake: " But the boy had blonde hair. "

Weiss: " Did you say blonde hair? "

Blake: " Yes. "

Weiss: " I was saved by a boy with blonde hair as well when I was younger as well! "

RBY: " WHAT!?!?! "

Weiss: " I was almost hit by a drunk driver when I was younger and the boy stopped the car with his bare hands, he was extremely powerful. "

We all look at Weiss, dumbfounded, before we hear the bathroom door open.


After training, that shower is what you needed, and while you didn't like wearing anything other than your gi, the school uniform felt good. You left the bathroom while the girls were talking about something. 

(Y/N): " Hey, what're you all talking about? "

Weiss: " We were talking about- "

Ruby uses her semblance to rush over to Weiss and cover her mouth.

Ruby: " We weren't talking about anything! "

You look at your watch to see it's eight thirty.

(Y/N): " Hey i'ma go to our first class. "

Yang: " But it's kind of early. Don't you want to help decorate? "

(Y/N): " I'm good. "

Yang looks at you sadly. You can't help feel guilty.

(Y/N): " Fine! I'll help. "

Twenty Five minutes later

You had put all your stuff away and helped the rest of your team build two sets of, questionable, bunk beds. You had just decided to get rid of your bed and use your sleeping bag as a bed because it took up too much space.

Weiss: " Are you sure you're ok giving up your bed? "

(Y/N): " I've slept on worse. "

Ruby: " Ok, now that that is done, our second order of business is, classes. Now we have a few classes together today. At nine o'clock we've got to be-

You look at the clock. It says eight fifty-five.

Yang POV

Right as she says that (Y/N) looks at the clock and runs out of our dorm room, pumping his arms out with his fingers together and palms open.


I look over at the clock and he's right. 


We all ran out of our dorm room, following (Y/N) to our first class.

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