Chapter 27

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Nora: " Ugh, it about time! Who's idea was it to walk again? "

You all were walking through a long hallway as you talked.

Ren: " Well, we did face many obstacles. Broken airships, destroyed settlements- "

Jaune: " Oh, and you know, all those people and monsters that tried to murder us? "

Ruby: " We were fine, only one of us almost died. "

Qrow: " Hey. "

Ren: " Hey! "

Nora giggles. 

Jaune: " So how much farther to Haven Academy? "

Qrow: " Almost there. Kind of figured I would take you kids on the scenic route. "

You reached the two large doors at the end of the hallway and Qrow threw them open to show you a great view of the city. Ruby runs over to the guardrail and looks over the city. "

Ruby: " Wow! "

(Y/N): " Huh, neat. "

Ruby: " This. Is. Awesome! " 

Qrow: " It's certainly something. "

Ruby: " Oh my gosh, look at all the weapons! "

Qrow: " Vendors here will sell you anything, whether they should or not. "

Jaune: " They really made the most out of these mountains. "

Qrow: " Every inch. And stay away from the lower levels, but the higher up you go, the nicer it gets. "

Nora: " And we are going up! "

(Y/N): " Race you all there. "

RNJR/Qrow: " What? "

You push off the ground and send yourself flying into the air until you reach the top. 


Your team and Qrow had finally made it up the mountain and you were all walking into Haven Academy. There was no one around which made you a little suspicious, but not too overly cautious.

Ruby: " We made it. "

You place a hand on Ruby's shoulder before you continue to walk into Haven Academy. As you were walking to the main office of Haven you became even more suspicious of how little people were there.

Ruby: " Hello?! "

Nora: " Maybe try...... Louder? "

Ren: " There doesn't seem to be anyone here. "

Jaune: " Well, I guess school isn't really in session right now. "

(Y/N): " Yes Jaune, because there would definitely not be any staff and or faculty working at a school when it's not in session. Maybe that's it. "

Qrow: " Yeah, this isn't right. C'mon "

Ruby: " Wait for us! "

You all run to the end of the hall and reach the doors to the main office. Qrow readies his weapon. 

Qrow: " Get ready. It could be trouble. "

Qrow then kicks down the door, when he does, an old man stands in front of you. He screams, your team screams, Qrow falls over, then the old man falls over. 

Ruby: " Professor.......... Lionheart? "

Professor Lionheart leans forwards.

Lionheart: " Qrow! For crying out loud! You nearly scared me half to death. "

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