Chapter 11

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Start at (3:03)

You rush the first robot that you saw and stopped a couple of feet in front of it. The robot takes a swing at you, but you go for it's head, going straight through the robot. You then turn around and destroy it with a ki blast. You look towards two more of the robots. You use your speed, landing a fair distance away from them. One of them points it's guns at your team. You then dash at them, taking the arm off of the one threatening your team. You then kick it's center, destroying it completely. You then kick the other one standing there and destroy it as well

Yang POV

I wake up after being knocked out after being given a Senzu Bean by Blake. I look to see Ruby looking over the docks.

Yang: " What the hell is happenin-?! "

I look to the docks to see (Y/N), with his hair spiked and golden, with his eyes green, dismantling the Paladins left and right.

Yang: " No fucking way....................................... "

Weiss: " Ugh........ What happened? "

Yang: " Weiss, Blake, you need to see this! "

Weiss and Blake both walk over to the edge and they both look in shock at (Y/N).

Blake: " It's him.................. "

Weiss: " Looks like we were right guys. (Y/N) really is the boy we met seven years ago. "

Ruby: " He's already taken out three of the Paladins "


Yang: " Us five together could barely take on one! How can he destroy three of them already?! "

Ruby: " I'm not concerned about that now. "

We all look at Ruby confused. 

Yang: " About what? "

 Ruby: " You heard about his hatred of the White Fang! Think about what he'll do to the other members! "

Everyone except The Monkey Faunus gets a look of realization on their faces.

Blake: " Oh no.................. "


The other four robots attacked, they hit you with every bullet and rocket they had. They didn't hurt you at all. You sent several ki blasts flying all over hitting some of the robots and even some White Fang Members, killing the Members instantly and damaging the robots. 

(Y/N): " I already said that you would pay with your lives for what you've done! "

You tear through the armor of one of the robots with ease. You rushed another from behind and kicked the robot through it's back area, splitting it in half. You see another one trying to run from you, but you rush it and decapitate the robot with ease. You then see last one running as well. You rush the robot and grab it by it's arm. You throw it into the air and charge an attack.

(Y/N): " BIG BANG ATTACK!!!!!! "

You fire it and when it hits the robot, it gets vaporized. You look towards the White Fang Members. All of them were speechless about what you just did. 

(Y/N): " Do you know what the White Fang caused to be taken away from me? "

WF Member: " Wh- "

(Y/N): " People I loved, people I cared about. You all took what was mine, a perfect life, a perfect family, and took that away from me. Now you'll all feel the same two things that i've experienced over the past ten years, fear and pain. "

You rush one of the White Fang Members and punch a hole in his chest. You point your blood covered hand at several other members of the White Fang and fire a large ki blast, killing all of them. 

WF Member: " RETREAT!!!! "

You see that another Bullhead came to extract them and they all run to the three Bullheads. You put your hands together, throw them back, and then forward again towards the White Fang members.

(Y/N): " KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!!! "


They all get decimated instantly. The Bullheads start shooting at you and you begin to dodge the bullets. You fly up over one of the Bullheads that is starting to fly off. You create a large ki blade and cut it in half. You put two fingers to your head. Once The Special Beam Cannon is charged you point it at one of the other two Bullheads. 

(Y/N): " DIE! "

You fire the Special Beam Cannon and cause they Bullhead to explode over the dock.

You then focus your attention on the final Bullhead. You fly over to it's wing and begin to spin it around. After you gained enough momentum you threw it into the crates of dust causing the dust, and the Bullhead, to explode violently. You sense to see if there were other White Fang Members in the area, but there wasn't. You then hear police sirens coming from the side of the dock. You power down out of Super Saiyan and fly up to where the rest of your team was. When you get there, they're cops all over and your team is staring at you. 

15 Minutes Later

 You had explained to the cops what had happened. As you walk away from them you see your team, sitting on some crates. As you walk over to them you notice Blake and you were still pissed at her, but you were going to wait to question her back at the dorms.

(Y/N): " You got the Senzus Ruby? "

Ruby: " Uh, yeah! "

She gives you the bag of Senzu Beans. 

(Y/N): " Alright, lets go. "

Yang: " Where? "

(Y/N): " Back to our dorms. "

Your team doesn't say a word, they just follow you all the way back to the dorm. When you and your team enters your room, you turn towards Blake. 

(Y/N): " What the actual fuck Blake?! "

Weiss, Yang, and Ruby look at you surprised. 

Blake: " W- "

(Y/N): " Do you know how many people the White Fang has killed?! How many crimes they've committed?! "

Weiss: " (Y/N), calm down, she's not a part of the White Fang anymore! "

(Y/N): " Shut the hell up you spoiled bint, hell, if your family wasn't as greedy and evil as they were the White Fang might not even exist! "

Yang: " (Y/N), what the hell is wrong with you!?!?! "

Ruby: " Why are you so angry?!?! We just want to know! "

Yang's semblance activates and she loses it. 


You finally snap and you transform into a Super Saiyan out of sheer anger.


You see Yang's semblance deactivate and the rest of your team look at you in shock. You then realize everything you just said out of rage. You don't say a word as you put your hands in front of your head and use a Solar Flare.

Weiss: " MY EYES! "

Yang: " (Y/N), WAIT! "

You run out of your dorm room, you don't know where, you just want to die. You just gave away something only Piccolo knew about until seconds ago,  the reasons behind the nightmares, night terrors, and the suicide attempts. Your family was killed in front of you, and left you scarred, mentally and physically. 

The Golden Hunter: RWBY X Male Saiyan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now