Chapter 10

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Two days later..............

You were walking the streets with Yang, Ruby, and Weiss, trying to find Blake after she ran off two days ago. You didn't want to help, but you didn't want the rest of your team to hate you, despite how angry you were.

Ruby: " She's been gone all weekend.... "

Weiss: " Blake is a big girl, i'm sure she can handle herself. "

Yang: " Weiss, come on. She's one of our teammates. "

Weiss: " Is she? We all heard what she said. "

(Y/N): " I wish I didn't. "

Ruby: " Weiss. "

Yang: " Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way she's missing and we need to find her. "

Weiss: " A member of the White Fang. Right underneath our noses. "

Ruby: " I just hope she's ok..... "

(Y/N): " I hope she is too, because I want to have a talk with her. "

You walk around more with Ruby and Yang calling out to Blake, but not getting an answer.

Ruby: " Blaaaaaake!? "

Yang: " Blaaaake!? "

Ruby: " Blaaaake!? Where are yoouuuu?! "

Yang: " Blake! "

Ruby: " Weiss, (Y/N)! You aren't helping! "

You look Ruby dead in her silver eyes.

(Y/N): " You know damn well how I feel about the White Fang Ruby. "

She looks at you with a tint of fear in her eyes.

Weiss: " Oh! You know who might be able to help? The police. "

Ruby: " Ugh, Weiss... "

Weiss: " It was just an idea! "

Ruby: " Yeah, a bad one. " 

Yang: " (Y/N), Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions. "

(Y/N): " I've heard enough to know she's a member of the White Fang. "

Weiss: " I think when we hear it, you'll all know I was right. "

????: " And I think Weiss's hair looks wonderful today? "

You turn around surprised to see Penny behind you.


Ruby: " Penny, where did you come from?! "

Penny: " Hey guys, what are you up to? "

Ruby: " Uhhhhhhhhhhhh......... "

Yang: " We're looking for our friend Blake. "

(Y/N): " Your friend. "

Penny: " Oh! You mean the Faunus girl! "

Ruby: " Wait, how did you know that? "

Penny: " Uh, the cat ears? "

Yang: " What cat ears, she wears a............ bow "

Everyone goes quiet for a minute.

(Y/N) :Quietly " That lying bitch................ "

Ruby: " She does like tuna a lot. "

Penny: " So, where is she? "

Ruby: " We don't know. she's been missing since friday. "

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