Chapter 6

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You were in Professor Port's class trying not to fall asleep listening to him talk. You had managed to make it to his class just in time due to your speed, but the rest of your team and team JNPR got there a couple minutes late, but now you were wishing that you hadn't come to his class because it was extremely boring. He even winked at Yang, and the only reason why you didn't whoop his ass, was because you would have been not only kicked out of Beacon, but put in prison. As he tells a story about his childhood, you see that Ruby is not paying attention to what he was saying, and granted you weren't too, but you could tell that Weiss was getting increasingly annoyed with her. As Professor Port ends his story you begin to tune into what he's saying. 

Port: " The moral of the story, a true huntsman must be honorable. A true huntsman must be dependable. A true huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise! So who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits. " 

Before Weiss can bring her hand up, you throw your hand in the air. 

(Y/N): " I believe I do sir, at least I consider myself to have these traits. "

Port: " Well then, let's find out. "

You look over to see the cage on the other side of the room which is rattling and has grunts coming out of it. 

Port: " Step forward, and face your opponent. " 


You had changed into your gi and got in front of the class ready to fight.

Port: " Excuse me boy, aren't you going to use your weapon. "

(Y/N): " Don't need one. "

He looks at you concerned, before walking over to the cage and getting his axe. 

Yang: " Go (Y/N)! "

Blake: " Fight well! "

Ruby: " Represent team RWBY! "

Weiss doesn't say anything to you, but she does say something to Ruby. Which seems to hurt Ruby's feelings as her smile fades from her face. Port then raises his axe. 

Port: " Alright, let the match BEGIN! "

Port brings his axe down on the lock holding the cage shut to reveal a Boarbatusk. It charges you, as it does you close your eye begin to think of the day " It " happened and to not hold back. You open your eyes to see that the Boarbatusk is right in front of you. It tries to attack you, but you grab it by it's tusks and throw it into the wall you then hit it with several ki blasts, obliterating it. 

(Y/N): " Too easy. "

You look at the students that are watching, and none of them are saying a word, until Port breaks the silence.

Port: " Bravo, Bravo! It appears that we are indeed in the presence of a true hunter in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed! "

You walk off and head back to your dorm, take a shower and go to sleep. 

Dream Sequence

????: " (Y/N)....... Get away........ get out of here............. RUN! "

Dream Sequence End

You shot upwards in bed sweating and breathing heavily. You had another nightmare, another reason why you hate to think or even talk about " It ", but you've managed to keep all the emotions bottled up for ten years, and you'll do it for as long as you need. You lay back down and close your eyes to try and go to back to sleep.

The Golden Hunter: RWBY X Male Saiyan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now