Sleeping with them {all}

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He's actually quite a peaceful sleeper, he'll snore softly every now and then as he holds you all night, making it hard for you to get up and go to the restroom in the middle of the night or to at least get a midnight snack, but other than that, you enjoy his company and his warmth, loving to wake up to it every time you're with him.


He's pretty much the same as Jughead, he'll shift around a bit but not that much at all. He won't sleep until you fall asleep though, which bothers you knowing how late you can stay up sometimes. You two have your own sides of the bed but always somehow ends up cuddling every time you guys wake up, him holding you close as he breathes softly in his sleep. He is a heavy sleeper though, him not really waking up to anything except for whenever you start to full on yell at him to get up.

Sweet Pea

Unlike Fangs and Jughead, Sweets will toss and turn and throw himself from side to side in his sleep, causing you to not being able to even nap for ten minutes, him always waking you up by accidentally whacking you. But you were surprised from what quite a cuddly baby he was as it's the other way around, instead of him, you're the one holding him to keep him from moving and to help him sleep better, knowing he could never sleep well due to nightmares sometimes. But unlike Jughead, he'll end up snoring loudly, causing you to whack his face with a pillow to shut him up, but still accepts the fact he's adorable whenever he's in a deep slumber.


Sleeping with her is the best. She'll breathe softly while gently still loosely holding your hand as you full on take in her scent of roses and vanilla, making you absolutely melt for her. Like Sweet Pea, she absolutely loves cuddles, which makes you happier to knowing the fact that you get to hold her all night as she will slowly wrap her arms around you. Waking up together is even better though. As soon as you wake up to see her smiling at you, it makes your heart melt as she kisses your forehead, holding you close to her chest.

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