Them getting sick would include ..

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•needing you there 25/8
•you never being able to go somewhere without him throwing up everywhere
•you constantly trying to give him day or night quill but he throws it across the trailer
•cuddles , doesn't matter how contagious he is
•ice cream to make him feel better
•eating Pops burgers every night until he's better


•lots of love and affection
•making sure he doesn't try to run away
•you trying to take him to the doctor but he holds back
•you constantly trying to give him liquid medicine but he doesn't take it
•him being a mess and is too weak to do anything
•him also being very cranky

Sweet Pea

•you constantly trying to make sure he doesn't throw the pills away whenever you give them to him to take
•him being very stubborn
•you repeatedly trying to give him his inhaler but he chucks it every time
•him being a whiney baby
•him always complaining
•you having to make sure he doesn't try to make a run for it out the door
•him being aggravated the entire time
•him constantly trying to kiss you no matter how sick he is
•him being a brat


•you constantly trying to make sure she gets sleep
•her trying to actually get better but it gets worse instead
•her spitting up medicine
•you having to make sure she doesn't try to go out anywhere
•lots and lots of cuddles
•her mixed emotions
•intense mood swings
•her complaining about how her stomach hurts
•her constantly saying she's dying

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