If theyre going through something {all}

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He will try to deny and say he's fine but it can be easily shown he's upset about something and is going through pain, he doesn't want you to get mixed with it and will get so irritated that he'll yell at you to go away or he'll just give you a cold shoulder. You don't give up though however. You'll stay there with him through the whole situation and make sure you're there for him for as long as you need to be. You'll start to notice he'll stop eating which will be a surprise for you, and will worry the shit out of you too as he doesn't feel like doing anything but sleep.


He won't say anything, at all. And if he does, he's usually really sensitive about it. Him being a huge softie, it's rare to see him angry but you'll see him become more sad than anything which isn't really a surprise. You'll catch him not eating nor wanting to do anything at all. He doesn't feel like doing anything whatsoever. He'd rather be at home and in bed all day either resting or sleeping, depending on how bad the situation is, he will just sulk and stare at a blank wall until he feels better.

Sweet Pea

Sweets will be angry as usual but not as much as you think. He'll be upset and saddened more than anything depending how bad everything is. Especially with what he went through in the past, he's not good with taking bad news and stuff like that. He can shockingly be really sensitive sometimes which is a side you rarely see and he will become so sad that it'll worry you. Unlike the other two, he'll eat but very little. He'll eat small portions and won't sleep AT ALL. He'll become more sleep deprived than anything and depending how bad everything is, he will go so long without sleeping that you can see from a far distance, the dark bags under his eyes and how he can barely stand or sit up sometimes, he will survive off of caffeine during this time which makes it far more worse.


Toni doesn't like to show when she's upset but she isn't afraid to let you know how she's feeling. She will be super sensitive just like Fangs due to how soft they are. She'll be saddened majorly and won't want to do anything but sleep and eat. She'll eat so much and sleep for two days straight. She hates the fact of herself being this way but she doesn't really want to control it since she isn't able to at these times. She's very distant and won't say a word about anything just like Jughead. She's more of a person to bottle things up just like Sweet Pea, but doesn't do it as often as he does, it's actually rare to see her bottle up. Unlike Sweets, it's a habit for him.

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