dating fangs would include ~

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him being very , very clingy

you starting to have a bond with jugrat , pea brain and TiTy

you guys being called out for being too much of a pure bean

sweets and toni making fun of y'all for being "too soft/precious"

sweets and toni telling you embarrassing stories about fangs and him ending up starting to pout and then leave , you chasing after him

him making sure you don't catch feelings for someone else , by that meaning sweet pea

you being worried about him whenever he has to do business for the serpents

you stealing his clothes a lot

you taking his rings and wearing them

him constantly bringing you flowers because he thinks you're upset with him

having to learn how to be patient with fangs while he's starting to get angry

lots and lots of soft kisses on the forehead and cheek

late night cuddles

picnic dates at sweet water river

going to the parks on the northside

late night phone calls

y'all constantly checking up on each other to make sure y'all are both okay

late night cruises on his motorcycle

watching the sunrise from your house up on the roof

lots of snuggles

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