if they were to be abusive ~

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BIG TRIGGER WARNING !. if you don't like reading about things like abuse , i suggest not reading this chapter , or the next since it's gonna be the same thing .


you and jug were coming back home from a party and you had no idea what you were expecting . you hated going home with him after a party because you knew you were gonna get yelled at for hanging around either sweet pea or archie . jughead absolutely hated it whenever them two specifically would take you away from him just to hang out . arch and sweets were both your ex's but that didn't change the fact that y'all three were the greatest trio riverdales ever seen . y'all three hung out almost everyday and jug hated that . y'all approached his trailer and weren't even inside yet whenever jug started yelling at you . he was drunk at the time , which didn't make it any better . you and him got into a screaming match not long after and sooner or later , other serpents started to come outside to see what the hell was going on . fp and jellybean weren't coming back home till another two hours and you had no idea if the main serpent trio was back from the party or not . so you had no one to help you at this point . some serpents yelled at y'all to shut up and went inside and others stayed outside to see if anything would get worse . and in that moment , you felt jugheads hands attach to your wrists as you tried to get him off , other serpents started yelling at jug to let you go but he wouldn't budge . you then felt a sharp pain on your cheek due to jug hitting you finally , and right at that moment , sweets , fangs and toni came running towards you two . toni grabbed you and dragged you away to her trailer as you cried into her arms , you turned to look over your shoulder and saw sweets , fangs and other serpents gang up on jughead . after that night , you never saw jug come up on the south side .


fangs wasn't always abusive unless he was absolutely pissed off about something . you would try to calm him down but that was when he would snap and lay his hands on you . one day you and him were just at his trailer , and he started to rage out of no where and you tried to constantly calm him down but he wouldn't listen to you . he kept telling you to get out his way but you didn't , and that's when both of you started to hit each other . it started with you shoving him away from you out of fear , and he came towards you . soon random objects were being thrown across the place . you tried to run out the trailer but he kept dragging you away from the door . his grips left marks on your body and that's whenever you called toni to come as fast as she could . whenever she showed up , she had sweets behind her as sweet pea yanked fangs away from you and calmed him down . you and toni left the trailer and went to cheryl's place instead to get away from that side of town just in case fangs came to hunt you down later on .

sweet pea

you and sweets argued a lot , and most of the time , it was about his alcohol problem . whenever y'all did argue , it never got too bad . but the very last time you ever argued with him was a deal changer . sweets was struggling with a lot of things in his life and came home one night completely wasted . you complained to him about it until he was tired of you and grabbed you by your shoulders and shoved you to the wall . you shoved him off and tried to walk out the room but he yanked you back and that's when you panicked . you tried to grab onto the door rim but he was stronger than you . he left bruises on your wrists and arms due to his nasty grips , which pained you to look at everyday . sooner or later , y'all were both hitting each other and throwing glass around . you managed to get away from him later on and called jug and fp since they were the only two that you told about this problem , when they arrived , you came out of the room you locked yourself in only to see sweets swing at jug and fp yanking him away . they both knew sweets wouldn't stop for anything so they ended up calling sherif keller to come get him for the night . you and sweets didn't last long after that and didn't talk at all anymore , but all you knew was that he completely stopped drinking afterwards .


you and toni had yalls ups and downs but never really like this before . it was just one day whenever toni was in a really pissy mood because of the serpents , and by the serpents , mainly because of the boys . you tried to talk to her and bring it up by she wasn't having it with you since you kinda let the boys talk shit to her . you started becoming upset yourself with her and she snapped and smacked you . you got up and shoved into the bed and she shoved you to the wall . from that moment on , it was y'all fighting and arguing with each other for a while until things started to be thrown . you grew more scared than angry and tried to get away , which , fortunately , you did . you managed to contact veronica and cheryl at the moment and they came down to the south side for you . cheryl handled toni and veronica took you to pops to get your mind off of what just happened , but all you did was breakdown about it later , not knowing what to do after that . you and toni decided to break it off . mainly because toni was scared it would happen again and she didn't want to put you through that type of pain again . after y'all broke it off , you two never really talked unless it was just a casual 'hi' or 'hello' across the school halls here and there . after that incident you also noticed toni didn't hang around sweets , jug , and fangs anymore either . you couldn't blame her though , it was partially their fault too .

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