dating toni would include ~

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lots of cuddling at random times

toni making sure you aren't upset with her

her being overprotective over you and doesn't want anything bad to happen to you

both of y'all being big ass softies

hanging out with the boys a lot at the wyrm

going to movie dates and to eat out at pops

toni trying to be the best girlfriend to you and always gets you candy

her having to put up with your nasty attitude when you're on your period

lots of love and affection

going to the stores and going to the toy isles just to play volleyball over there

you tagging along with toni and sweets during their business handling

having sweet pea being yours and toni's personal body guard

y'all both being short as hell

soft and sweet kisses

you trying to hang out with her at the wyrm but sweets and fangs steal her away and you're stuck with juggie

you also being overprotective over toni and gets jealous pretty easily when you see someone looking her way

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