Them having sexual tension {all}

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Jug won't do much to give off about how he's feeling towards you when it comes to this stuff but he will drop hints. He will stare at you longingly and place his hands on your thighs, which he never does unless he feels this sort of way. You will see him lick his lips often and when he has you in his arms, you can feel one of his legs slowly slip between yours just ever so slightly but just enough to let you know what he wants.


Just like jug, Fangs isn't open about it as much but will leave a lot of hints. Plus you could probably notice from the way he would sit or stand due to a boner. You will catch him often looking at you from your waist up, admiring every inch of you which turns you on. You can easily feel his stares at you as you mess with him here and there to see if you can get to him, and he'll end up cursing under his breath from it, getting upset you won't do anything.

Sweet Pea:

Unlike the other two serpents, he will automatically let you know when he's in the mood. You can feel him stare you up and down and most of the time, you'll catch him hungrily biting his bottom lip, and knowing him, he gets more aggressive in this way but in a pleasurable way. Unlike the other two who don't want much friction until you feel it's right, Sweet Pea will try to get as much friction as he can, causing him to roughly press his body against yours, driving you crazy from it. You end up teasing him over and over, getting to him, causing him to growl in response, out of anger and from being needy.


Toni being the softie she is, will immediately change into something wild. She will constantly try to be on you and is easily capable of putting you in the mood as well for more responses. She will win at dominance very easily and will end up being a top, which is more fun for you anyway. Toni will be known to rub your thighs softly but roughly to see how you react from it all, her hands entirely roam your body as if it would be the very last time to do so, she'll tease you by sitting on your lap but not do anything to you until you make the first move.

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