if you were to be abusive ~

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the trigger warnings back , skip if you don't like to read about , shit like this .


jughead doesn't tolerate abuse whatsoever , so whenever you would lay your hands on him out of anger , he wouldn't take it well emotionally . and that , somehow gave you more of an advantage . but jug would take care of it during that situation though , he wouldn't just let you hit him , but he wouldn't keep it to himself either . hed always call up toni or veronica to come get you , them two being able to chill you out and you would come back to jug being a mess afterwards , which made you feel horrible . this has happened once or twice , maybe three times and after the last time , jug decided to call it off with you not only for him , but to help you with everything . he figured it would be best to be there as a friend so it wouldn't be another pile of stress on you , and whenever you were ready , he'd let you come back .


it depends on how fangs feels whenever he cares about if you're hitting him . but most of the time , fangs deeply hates it whenever you do lay your hands on him . he'll sometimes lock you in a room to let you take your anger out on other objects , then fix them later on . but whenever he struggles to put you in a room whenever your pissed off like that , he would take you outside and tell you to hit him in front of everyone , and that was the way to make you stop because that's when you realized what you were doing , was horribly wrong . most of the time , you wouldn't even remember doing anything to fangs but whenever you did , you would try to bring it up but fangs wouldn't let you .

sweet pea

sweets has mixed emotions when it comes to handling abuse , sometimes he won't care because he was used to it as a child but , there was other times where he would take it to heart and wouldn't let you get away with it . sweets would let you throw your fits and doesn't mind whenever you hit him because you'd only be able to hit his torso because of his height . but whenever you would finally start to hit him from his shoulders and up , that would be whenever he'd get up and do something about it . his way of getting you to stop would usually to be to use himself against you , he knew it would make you feel just as bad as he would afterwards . other times he would usually grab your wrists and squeeze your hands together until you'd calm down . but the good thing was , was that it never got to sweet pea .


toni doesn't tolerate abuse whatsoever . she's even left you a couple of times because of it . you wouldn't even mean to hurt her , it would just be kind of a blur . toni doesn't have a way to calm you down or get you off of her because she'd always call someone else to do it for her . she was too scared that she would hurt you too and it would make it so much worse . she'd either call sweets or betty to come get you because they knew how to keep you in place . toni just mentally couldn't handle it and emotionally couldn't take it . toni is able to physically stop you herself but , she's afraid to harm you .

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