If they were to have a child {all}

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Having a daughter


He would spoil the shit out of her. He'd do anything for his and your daughter and that's that. Jug would be more than happy to give his child a much better childhood and environment to live in than what him and JB had. He'd make sure he'd be there for both you and your guys' child and watch over the both of y'all, protecting his child with all of his strength.


Fangs would be the type of father to be very protective over his children, especially if it's his daughter. He wouldn't trade her for anything in the world, even you. He'd be super cuddly with her and constantly making sure she's okay even if he hears a small cough come from his child, cautious of everything that happens.

Sweet Pea

That child will be the only person that sweets will ever go soft for . Sweet Pea , being just like Fangs , would be very protective of his daughter and wouldn't let her go anywhere with any guys unless he knew them well enough to know they wouldn't get together . Sweets would be one of those parents to be strict on his daughter but only to keep her safe from anything stupid sweets used to get into as a kid or teenager .

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