~Chapter TwentyOne~

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~Jamie's P.O.V~

"What about my dad?" It was instinct for me to sit up but I ended up falling back down after groaning in pain.

I felt so hopeless just laying here. "I have gotten news from the kingdom, your father... Your father died defending his men" Collins father explained.

I didn't cry. I wasn't upset nor was I happy. I felt nothing. Emotionless. That is how I felt.

I stared into space for several minutes before Collin asked. "How are you feeling"

I shrugged. "I feel nothing" I sighed closing my eyes.
"It's normal to feel that way. You barely knew the man but he was still your father" Collin held my hand.

I let him hold it. "You know what this means?" Collin asked.
"You're the new king, you will have to move into the castle and take over your father plus you will have to hold a funeral for him" Collin explained the whole thing to me.

"Come with me" I whispered. Shock was written over Collins face.
"Wha..what" Collin stuttered.

"You're my mate. You're rightfully a king too, besides you are a werewolf now you are one of us" I said smiling up at him.

"I forgive you for everything you have done Collin. Please come be a king with me" I begged. Collin finally smiled.

"I love you Jamie" Collin said as he kissed me. His lips were so soft.
I held Collin in my arms and we both fell into a peaceful sleep.


~Collins P.O.V~

It was so good to finally have Jamie up and about. He could be quite bossy.
It has been 4 days since the attack and knowing that there aren't anymore hunters in town is a wonderful thing.

It's Jamie's dad funeral today. I had sat in bed with Jamie for 4 days discussing the plans.
Jamie wanted a small funeral with only a few selected men to come but I told him kings tend to have massive funerals.

Finally we decided to hold a massive funeral.
When people started to arrive people came up to me and congratulated me for being their new kind alongside Jamie.

I found it quite awkward but I held my ground, said my thank you and watched as they went on their merry way.

Finally when people were seated sad music started playing and Jamie and I, alongside the second and third in command walked the casket down the isle.

I stood by Jamie has he said a few words about his father and sat back as I watched the second and third in command say their words.

When that was over we walked the casket back down the isle and to the limo.
Werwolves had their own cemetery where they're buried.

After we laid the king into the ground we wEnt back to the castle.

Jamie and I argued about having one of those after parties but we went with Jamie's idea and didn't have one.

Instead Jamie and I went to bed.

"Collin" Jamie said as we got into bed.
"Yes Jamie"

"You know wolves don't get married. Mating is their way if getting married" Jamie explained.

"Yes I know" I said. "Technically we have been married for a while now" I laughed. So did Jamie.

"It's so weird. Going from a normal teenager to being a royal wolf" Jamie sighed.
"At least you had normal teenage years" I laughed more.

Even in the dark I could see Jamie smiling.
"I love you Collin"
"I love you Jamie"


(A/N) I hope you liked this chapter. Only one more chapter left before this book finishes.

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