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Trigger warning : If you are easily triggered by acts of sexual assault or any type of assault, I suggest you steer clear of this chapter. I do not want to be held responsible for your state of mind, I am not easily triggered but this chapter definitely left me in a frozen state of mind.

I hope you like it x

• Chapter 1 •

"Noah, come back here!" I laughed as I ran after the toddler "Nope" The green eyed baby sassed as he scurried down the hallway, my phone in his pudgy hands "Come on, don't you want to talk to Dadda?" I tried to reason and Noah stopped, turning to face me "Dadda?" I nodded and stepped towards him, kneeling down as I gathered him in my arms. "Mumma, no! I'm going to fall" I chuckled and Noah squealed, I placed him on my hip "You'll never fall when I'm there" I kissed his forehead and made my way into the living room. Pressing the little video recorder button on my phone, the dialing tone echoed through the room. "Hey, babe" Harry appeared on the other end, a bright smile on his face. I mirrored it until Noah jumped in front of my face, "Me, first then Mumma" I shook my head at the boy

Harry laughed "Of course, bug" I adjusted Noah on my lap so we both could see Harry "How was the meeting?" I asked and Noah began playing with the strings on my hoodie "Tiresome, I just want to be by you. These people don't know what they're doing here and it's getting on both mine and Gemma's last nerve" Harry sighed, fatigue etched on his chiseled features"And what about me?" Noah piped in causing Harry to chuckle "You're always my number one priority, Noah" He said before yawning and I realized how inconsiderate I was by calling him at 2 in the morning "You should go to bed, it's late there" I spoke softly "No, I want to speak to you. How was your day? He stubbornly responded.

"My day was good, the interview went well and I'm pretty sure that I got the job" I smiled, thinking about finally being able to put my talent to good use "That's great, baby. I'm also sorry for holding you back at Styles Inc, if I didn't then you'd be so much better" I shook my head at the sad man on my phone screen "I'm glad you held me back, if you didn't then I wouldn't have met you or Noah. I wouldn't have had this life and because of you, and the recommendation of course, I get to do something on my own" I assured Harry and he nodded, agreeing with me. "Yeah, you're right. How are you feeling though? Have you taken your medication today?" I kept quiet

"Anna" Harry scolded "You have to take them so your wound can heal. Go take it right now, in front of me" I whined while Harry passed me a stern look "They taste awful and it makes my throat itch" He shook his head then raised his eyebrow at me "Now, Anna" He demanded and I pouted "Fine. You're mean" I stood up with Noah in my arms, walked to the kitchen and placed my phone on the counter, leaning against the pot plant so Harry could still see me. "Only because I love you" He smiled and I cringed as I swallowed the pills, "Yuck!" I exclaimed and Noah let out a giggle "Good girl" Harry commended and I huffed, feeling the sensation of relief on my side. As stated by the doctor, the wound would take roughly 2 months to heal so my skin can stitch back together along with the torn muscular tissue.

The call with Harry ended thereafter and Noah fell asleep almost immediately, I placed him in his crib for the afternoon and I walked into the master that I share with Harry. I stood in front of the floor length mirror, turning as I faced my side in it's reflection. With slow movements, I lifted my hoodie, stopping just under the wire of my bra as I ran my fingertips over the slightly red abrasion. It's almost healed but the scar that's etched onto my skin haunts me and will continue to haunt me in the future. The memory of the blade slicing my skin made my body tense, I could feel my spine go rigid as my hands started to shake. Like a relapse, my mind drifted off to the night Cole ripped my clothes to shreds.

I screamed, kicked my legs, punched at his body with whatever strength I had left in me but nothing seemed to have registered in his clouded mind. I twisted my wrists in his vice grip as he had me pinned to the bed, his legs held my own down and my back arched off the bed in an attempt to push him off but my feeble frame was no match. Being starved, with not even a single drop of water, rendered my body helpless against Cole's virility. The dress I had initially been using for the exhibition was no longer in sight, when I woke up my clothes were swapped for an over-sized T-shirt and a pair of sweaty gym shorts. Seeing that my clothes were changed left me with a sense of violation and multiple questions as to who changed my clothing.

All I did was curl up into a ball against the wall I was chained to, tears had streamed down my face. The first day went by and the second came, it was the same routine; I wake up, try to make sense of my surroundings as my stomach grumbled for a morsel of food, Cole would walk in and bring about subjects that only caused my blood to boil as I tugged onto the chains, the metal of it had created multiple cuts on my body. The response I got was a grabbing of my hair, pulled so tight I could feel each strand tear out of my scalp only to be propelled forward against the concrete wall. The second day went by and the third then came, leaving me even more weak due to having no food and the loss of blood.

Cole had taken advantage of me that night and I could do nothing to stop him, my screams of refusal were gone unheard. My attempts of getting away were not registered nor were they strong. The tears that cascaded down my face had dampened my hair and the bed beneath me but the sound of Cole opening his belt made my entire form freeze. The tears stopped along with my breathing as I stared blankly at the ceiling above me. My body was still pinned to the bed - naked and vulnerable - and the feeling of Cole pushing himself inside me made every nerve ending in my body to electrify with disgust and worthlessness. I had no fight left in me, I practically let him use my body like it was some sort of toy, giving him no response whatsoever.

My comatose body seemed to not have any impact on Cole as the sound of his grunts filled the dead of the night. I couldn't feel my legs, I couldn't feel my fingertips, I couldn't feel my heartbeat, I couldn't feel me. I don't know for how long I lied there, my limbs were spread out on the bed, uncovered and aching. The rays of sunshine that shone through the room window was what brought me out of my reverie. My chest heaved as I inhaled deeply, my lungs having been deprived of air for hours - if someone had found me, they would have thought I was dead by the way my breathing stopped and my body had been cold. The sun rays were warm as they landed on my skin, unusual for a winter's day, but that resulted in bone wracking sobs that escaped my lips.

I just want to thank you all for the love you've given the sequel so far. I honestly had a doubt that you guys wouldn't read it and stuff but I'm grateful that you did. I love you guys so much. I can't wait to share everything else that I have on my mind for Poetic Polaroids.

QUESTION : does the title seem familiar?

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