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have you ever read smut in public?

• Chapter 10 •

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I traced my fingers along Harry's hairline down to his jaw and neck "I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life" I blushed at his response "It should be the other way around" I added softly "You've helped me so much and I honestly don't know what I would have done or what would have happened to me if you weren't by my side, supporting me and being patient" Harry smiled and leaned forward, kissing me gently "You've helped me too. We've helped each other through every tough time and we'll continue to do so" I nodded in agreement. It was now three days after I received the Polaroid of Harry and Mia. Harry and I were lying in bed after dinner, Noah was asleep in his room, Tash had left two days earlier since she still has to finish her studies in London.

"I miss your long hair" I trecked my hand through his curls and Harry's eyes dropped closed at the sensation. About a month back, Harry decided it was time to get rid of his long hair which he kept for more than three years of his life. I was sadly disappointed when he spoke to me about it because I adored his locks and the way it bounced off of his shoulders as he walked. However, he made good use of his hair by donating it to a cancer foundation which in turn made me do the same. "I can grow it back if you want" I shook my head with a smile "It's fine, I like it at this length too. I was just used to your long hair, it was enough for me to tug onto" I added and Harry's lips stretched into a smirk "Tug onto, eh?" I whacked his chest lightly eliciting a chuckle from him "Maybe, we'll have to give this hairstyle a try" Harry suggested and I hummed in consent as his lips found mine again.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he parted my lips with his tongue, tangling with mine. "Are you sure you want this?" More than ever "Yes, I do" I nodded and Harry smiled, he ducked down and peppered my neck with kisses, sucking onto my skin to leave a mark when a loud cry broke us apart. Harry groaned and I let out a laugh, "Cock blocker" Harry threw the covers off of him and went out the room and into Noah's. "Somebody had a bad dream" Harry mentioned, walking in a few moments later and he let Noah crawl onto the bed, nestling his little form in the curve of my arms. "Aw, handsome. What happened?" I cooed and wiped off the tears from the edges of Noah's eyes "You left me" He sobbed and I held him closer, assuring the baby that I'm not going anywhere.

The next morning, Noah woke up and latched onto my side, just like the time at the diner. "Handsome, would you go by Dadda for a while? Mumma needs to shower and get ready for work" I spoke to Noah only to have him shake his head "No" He answered followed by hiding his face in the crook of my neck. I looked at Harry and sighed in defeat, "Come here, bug" Harry placed his hands under Noah's arms to pick him off of me but Noah tightened his grip. "He's not going to let go" Harry said and I nodded in agreement, Noah's dream left him shaken up. I've asked him to tell me about his dream and what happened but he doesn't say anything except for that I left him. "I have a meeting today and I don't want to leave him when he's like this"

"Do you have anything important to do before the meeting?" I shook my head "Stay home for a few hours with him and Raiza will be here soon, once he falls asleep for his nap you can leave" Harry suggested and I pondered over the idea "I'll just take him to work, he's not going to like that" I said in finality "Babe, are you sure about that?" I nodded "I'll come home as soon as the meeting is over, he won't be a bother at all besides the girls adore Noah and we all know how he loves the attention" I chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to Noah's head. Noah's hand gripped onto my hair, slowly tugging, and I held him tighter in assurance that I'm not going anywhere.

Harry left shortly after breakfast, once again trying to get Noah to let go of me but to no avail. I sat in bed, Noah lying on my chest, as a random show played on TV. I glanced down at the toddler to find him asleep, with caution I picked his little form off of me and boxed him in on the bed before darting to the bathroom to have a shower. "I'm here, I've got you" I panted as I rushed out the closet, half dressed and gathered a crying Noah in my arms. I breathed in relief that I managed to shower while he was asleep, "Handsome, what happened in your dream?" I asked, trying again and he let out a hiccup "Don't leave me, Mumma. Please don't" He sobbed and I shook my head "I won't, I promise" I said and couldn't help but wonder what changed in him.

Noah has never had a nightmare that was this frightening, people say that children can sense trouble before it even arrives, is that the case with Noah? The questions that floated around in my mind all reverted back to a specific Polaroid. Without any more thoughts, I got dressed and left for work. I placed Noah in his booster seat, got into my Mustang and drove off. Noah's mood had shifted slightly, he was his bubbly self again once the staff on my office floor started fawning over him. He held a rosy hue to his chubby cheeks and I went into my meeting, leaving Noah on the opposite end of the glass walls, where I can see him and he can see me.

My meeting had finished in the next two hours and I picked a sleeping Noah into my arms, heading out to my car. "Mumma?" Noah woke up and I smiled at the toddler "I'm here, handsome. We're going home now, okay" He mumbled something before drifting off to sleep again as I buckled him into his booster seat. I reached over to the passenger seat, rummaging through my bag for my phone as I stopped at the intersection. I drove off, seeing that the light turned green, "Where is it?" I groaned and searched for my phone, realizing I left it in my office. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings when the glass of my window shattered and the door caved in, crashing against my side. The last thing I remembered before falling unconscious was screaming Noah's name.

ew this was horrible. the actual drama starts people and thank you for 5k!!

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