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• Chapter 11

My head hurt and my limbs were numb, I felt trapped in my own body. I couldn't move a muscle, I tried to pay attention to my surroundings but my ears were clogged, kind of like that feeling when you're underwater. There was a slight murmur around me until I tried opening my eyes but my lids felt glued together. Noah! I almost leaped to my feet but a weight held me down. I began to panic as I remembered the accident, wondering where Noah is and where I am? A wave of relief washed over me when I could hear, like the water from my ears drained out and I came to my senses. I pressured my body, my eyes opened and I immediately closed them at the sight of a blinding white light above me. Cautiously, I opened my eyes again when I heard Harry's voice, "She's awake. Anna, babe, can you hear me?" I glanced over at the panic stricken man and managed to nod.

I then began to panic, "Noah? Where's Noah? Is he okay?" Harry helped me up, I leaned against the pillow and I held onto my head as it lulled forward like a weight pulling me down "He's in the next room and he's okay, just a little scratch on his forehead" My eyes welled up at my irresponsibility "I'm so sorry, I should have been more careful but I didn't even notice the vehicle and I put Noah's life at risk. I'm sorry" I cried and Harry shook his head before wrapping me into his arms "It's not your fault, Noah's fine. He's asking about you." I hid my face in Harry's chest, my body shaking with sobs as I cursed myself for being so careless. Once my crying subsided, I pulled away from Harry and inspected my body. A bandage was wrapped around my head and my hip bone hurt, the excruciating pain made my torso bend forward.

I groaned as I held onto my side, feeling a brace in place "The doctor said you don't have any drastic injuries, the brace is just for precaution. You can move but not in a haste since your hip was hit quite hard." Harry explained, noticing my questioning expression "I'm so sorry, Harry" I apologized again, wiping my cheeks from the tears that rolled down "Enough about that now, okay? It's over and it was not your fault, Anna" He stressed on and I nodded meekly, grimacing as a sharp pain shot through my side "Here" Harry held out two pills, I swallowed the painkillers and he helped me lie on the bed again, my eyes drooped closed at the effect of the medication.

I woke up a few hours later to a patting action on my cheek, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion before I opened my eyes into slits. "Noah" I gasped, seeing the toddler sitting next to me and he let out a giggle. Harry was asleep on the chair next to my bed but woke up at the sound of my voice "Noah, I didn't say you could climb onto the bed, come here." Harry warned and I stopped him from picking Noah "It's okay, Harry. He's not hurting me" I assured the worrisome man and he sighed, sitting back on the chair and I made Noah lie next to me on the bed, his immediate reaction was hiding his face in the crook of my neck. "Mumma, are you okay?" Noah whispered and I nodded, placing a kiss to his cheek "Yes, handsome. I'm okay" I smiled and held him tighter, ignoring the pain in my side.

Halfway through the night, my sleep broke and I opened my eyes, feeling disoriented. I glanced around the room to the clock on the wall, noting the time to be three in the morning. Noah was asleep in the curve of my arm and Harry on the couch situated in the hospital room, he was still dressed in his suit. I adjusted my position on the bed, so to be more comfortable, when I froze in shock. I glanced back at the door, through the glass window to find no one standing there anymore. I could be paranoid but I'm certain that there was a red haired female at the door. Who was that and why was she at my hospital room? Brushing those thoughts aside, I fell asleep again - well I tried to - but the glaring eyes of that red head haunted my dreams.

"You're on bed rest for a month" I pouted "Don't pout, Anna. It's not going to work this time" I jutted my bottom lip out a little more, Harry narrowed his eyes at me before bending down and pressing a kiss to my lips "Still not going to work, babe. I'm sorry but it's doctor's orders" He shrugged and I sighed, crossing my arms as I stared at the walls of our room. Harry was adamant on carrying me out the hospital and into our home, after I was discharged a few hours ago. The accident didn't cause any major injuries, just a knock to my hip, which will heal in a few days but according to Harry that means a month. Reports came back, from the accident scene, as well as camera footage and the officials declared that this was done on purpose.

My vehicle was nowhere in any harm of the other and this put Harry into a frenzy, he demanded more security around the house, for both Noah and I. Noah's teachers have been informed on who will be allowed to pick Noah from school, if neither Harry or I can. Harry renewed the entire security system, our home has now become a fortress, because of one intentional accident. I will admit that I started to feel suffocated as I watched Harry pace the room, barking orders on his phone to the head of his security department but I knew this was all done for our benefit and Harry has a feeling that Mia is behind all of this. He mentioned she was capable of going to extreme lengths in order to achieve what she wants.

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