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• Chapter 24 •

"Okay, you can set me down now" I spoke between a fit of laughter as Harry hoisted me up, spinning us around the room "I'm just so happy and I can't believe this" He finally let me to my feet and I curled into his embrace "Well you got to because in 9 months, we're going to be welcoming our baby" I beamed and leaned up, kissing him gently "Noah's going to love this, does he know already?" I shook my head and pointed out "Do you think if I told Noah that he will soon have a baby sister or brother that he would have kept it to himself the entire night?" Harry chuckled "Probably not. Did anyone know before me?" I nodded "Jeremiah did because I was at work when I started throwing up and I didn't feel like myself so he began asking me questions then I realized that I could have been pregnant" I explained while trailing my hands up Harry's chest to around his neck

"Then voila, I find out that I'm actually pregnant. It feel surreal to say that knowing that there's something the size of a pea growing inside of me" I shuddered a little, the mere thought of being pregnant sent shivers down to my toes and now it's actuality. "That's good, at least you had someone trustworthy by your side when you found out" Harry pulled me closer to him "Jeremiah will be so happy to hear that from you" I said with a laugh and Harry groaned "Don't tell him, that guy has no boundaries" I laughed again "Aw, is it because he continuously looks at you with flirty eyes?" I cooed and Harry scowled while he rolled his eyes before stepping out my arms, walking to the bathroom while holding onto my hand "What are you doing?" I frowned at my fiancé "To shower with you so we can head to bed and cuddle" I shook my head teasingly with a deep sigh "What will I ever do with you, Mr Styles?" Harry giggled - a sound I never knew I needed to hear until now "Just love me, that's all, Ms Montgomery" Harry unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it to the floor.

His pants fell next and he stepped out of it, leaving him in only his boxers "Plus, I really want to take this dress off of you" A knot formed in my stomach at the rasp in Harry's voice, low and gentle. I shrugged off the cardigan I had on while gathering my hair into a bun before spinning on my heel with my back faced towards Harry. I glanced over my shoulder to see him take a step forward, grabbing onto the collar of my dress with one hand as he used his free hand to pull the zip down, allowing the dress to loosen around my torso. He brushed his fingers over the sunflower tattoo situated on my back then flicked the clasp of my bra as he pushed the dress off of my shoulders, letting it pool at my ankles. My bra fell to the floor next and Harry's hands grabbed at my thighs, turning me around once I kicked my discarded dress to the side and he tugged my underwear down my legs.

My hand went to his hair when his lips pressed against my abdomen, a smile on my face at the reminder of what's growing inside. He then trailed his lips to my feather tattoo before standing to his height, towering over me and he got rid of his boxers. My arms went around his neck as he lifted me up, holding onto the back of my thighs before stepping into the shower cubicle. I shuddered when he opened the tap behind me, the cold water slithering down my back before heating up and I leaned forward, taking Harry's lips into mine. He was quick to respond, sliding his tongue past my lips and pushed me against the wall as the cubicle was doused in steam from the hot water. "So, I'm guessing no more shower sex from now?" Harry chuckled against my lips "You've got 4 months to enjoy it while it lasts" I whispered and kissed him again "Very well then"

"Here's a crazy idea," I glanced over my shoulder at Harry as we lied in bed, urging him to continue ", let's get married" I chuckled softly "We are, honey, once we start planning it" Harry shook his head "No, I mean let's get married tomorrow" I turned on my back, now facing him, looking at him perplexed "Harry, we can't get married tomorrow!" I exclaimed, pointing out the obvious "Why not?" He shrugged "There's so much to plan, that's why. I need to get a dress and you need a tux, the venue needs to be booked, we need a priest and guests. We need to decide on a theme, a photographer and other decorations, not to forget a cake tasting." I listed, using my fingers to count and Harry sighed "Okay, fine. How about this weekend?" I glared at him "Still too soon" Harry chuckled again "Stop laughing, Harry. You don't know the amount of stress you just put me under" I smacked his chest.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry" He said sincerely and pulled me closer to him "I just don't want to wait any longer to be married to you" I gawked at the man in front of me, his words warmed my heart. A year ago, Harry would have ran at the mention of marriage, heck he couldn't even call me his girlfriend but then he changed and the little conceited part of me likes to think I'm responsible for that change. "I can hire the best wedding planner and we'll start first thing in the morning, we don't need a lot of guests. It can be something small and intimate, like we've always discussed in the last month" Harry went on about what we can manage to plan within a week and I stared at him, a smile making its way to my face. I interrupted his rant, "Okay" He hummed in confusion at the single word that left my mouth "Okay, let's get married this weekend" I repeated followed by a giddy giggle.

Waking up the next morning, I was greeted with an empty space beside me. I groaned at not seeing Harry as the first thing when I woke up. I smiled softly, glancing at my abdomen "Good morning, baby. I know you're just the size of a pea but I can't wait to meet you" I spoke in a whisper, as if it's a secret between the both of us. I threw the covers off of me and went on with my morning routine. I changed into a pair of tights and a loose off-shoulder shirt after having a shower then went downstairs as my stomach began to growl. "What in the world?" I gasped  when I reached the last step, finding various people dressed in black move from each end of the house, some with big notebooks and others with colour wheels. "Morning, sweetheart" Harry smiled as he walked up to me, having been talking to one of the woman holding a notebook. He placed a kiss to my lips, my mouth opened and closed like a goldfish "What is all of this?" I gestured to the crowd of people

"They're planning our wedding and I know you said you wanted a garden wedding so I thought why not have it in our garden, it's quite big enough to fit at least 3 of those gazebos that you've been looking at" I stared at Harry, gobsmacked and speechless. "You amaze me, every single time, Mr Styles" I grabbed his face and kissed him "Why, thank you" He laughed, a playful smirk on his face until a loud honk outside the house broke our little moment "That would be Gemma" Harry rolled his eyes and we then walked out the house "Get in, loser, we're going shopping" She yelled from her car and I laughed "Fuck off, Gem. You're so loud" She stuck her tongue out at her brother "Anyway, you have fun, I'll handle everything here" He said, kissing my cheek as he handed me my coat and purse from the closet near the front door. "Okay then" I nodded and stepped down the front porch but before I could leave, "Don't be mad but," I turned to him ", I have an idea" Harry frowned and I spoke with a slight excited tone.

epilogue next!!

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