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hello my lovely readers :)
I published a new book called Eroda and it would mean the world to me if you had a look and left your thoughts on it that's if you're not yet tired of me lol. thank you so much

• Chapter 23 •

"Mumma, I don't like this" Noah whined when I attached his little bow tie to his shirt "Okay, we'll leave out the tie. You can be like Daddy who doesn't button his shirt all the way" Noah beamed at the suggestion "Can I?" I sighed, shaking my head and held onto Noah as he bounced on his bed "No, you could catch a cold" I lied but in a way I did speak the truth, if Noah's chest gets cold then we'd be up all night while he builds up a fever for himself "Anna, he's almost home" Gemma walked in and gasped "Aw! Don't you look adorable" She cooed and cuddled Noah "Aunty Gemma! No, you're going to mess my hair" The toddler squealed, trying to get away from her kisses and I laughed "Like father, like son" Gemma huffed and let go of Noah "You look great, Gem, who could say you gave birth 6 months ago?" I teased and she flipped her hair, a smug grin on her face "I know right"

After that, we headed downstairs where guests had started to pile in, I invited a few of mine and Harry's close friends as well as the little family relatives he has in LA. "He's here!" Jeremiah yelled from the front door, peeping out the window adjacent to it. "Everyone hide!" I spoke in a harsh whisper, I smoothened my dress and placed Noah next to Shawn who had to muffle a blabbering Rose with his hand so Harry won't hear her. I chuckled at that then headed to the front door, the lights already switched off, "Hey, honey. How was your day?" I smiled as I opened the door "The usual. Why are you all dressed up? Oh, can I take that off you?" Harry sighed only to have his expression morph into a devilish grin "For fun and no, you don't get to take this off me and by that I mean, you don't get to rip my new dress" I answered with emphasis on don't and rip.

I took his coat from him, hanging it over my arm "Why's the house so dark?" Harry grumbled and reached for the switch, flicking it while I stood back with a giddy grin on my face "Surprise!" A chorus of laughter broke through causing Harry to stumble a little "Jesus Christ!" He exclaimed, a hand on his chest over his heart "Happy birthday, baby" I stood on my toes, whispering into his ear as I placed a kiss to his cheek "You are unbelievable" Harry remarked and I shrugged proudly, feeling relieved at his reaction and I glanced over at Gemma who gave me a thumbs up "Dadda! Happy burfday" Noah yelled from across the room and toddled his way to us, colliding with Harry's legs "Hey, bug. Thank you so much" Harry smothered Noah in kisses who in turn squealed in delight. "Momma made a party for you" Noah praised and I smiled, ruffling his hair a little "It's great, not what I usually go for, but great nonetheless. Thank you, Anna" Harry added in a grateful tone "My pleasure" I said softly.

Guests walked up to us, some shaking hands with Harry as they wished him while others pulled both him and Noah into tight hugs. "You're old now" Shawn commented once the crowd dispersed into their own groups, continuing their previous conversation. I let out a laugh and Harry rolled his eyes "We're the same age" Shawn shrugged "Yet months apart so technically, you're old" The two men broke out into playful insults about their age and I stepped away, heading towards the drinks "Gem, should you be drinking that?" I gestured questioningly towards the flute of champagne in her hand "Shawn's allowing me to drink just for tonight. It's been so long, I've only had one glass and I'm already tipsy" She giggled like a school girl "Just be careful, alright" I pointed out and she nodded "Yes, ma'am. Anyway, join me, please" Gemma pouted but I shook my head in response "Unfortunately, I have to be the responsible one tonight. I'd love to join you in your drinking spree but Harry's definitely going to be sloshed by the end of the night"

She nodded in understanding and I sighed, grabbing a glass of fruit juice from the waiter that walked by "He's so happy" I spoke after a while, glancing over to where Harry and Shawn stood. Noah had held onto Rose's hand, the two babies talking to each other in a language they only understand and by the affectionate grins on Shawn's and Harry's face, I comprehended that they joined in on the toddler's conversation. "You make him happy, An. I've told you that before and I'll continue to remind you of it" Gemma responded and I blushed crimson "What we're looking at is basically two big babies carrying two smaller ones" I chuckled at her analogy "I couldn't agree more" She laughed as we kept our attention on the love of each of our lives. Gemma stepped away to attend to a call when Jeremiah walked up to me, "So, have you told him yet?" I shook my head

"I'll tell him later, let him mingle with the guests  for a while" I smiled assuringly "This is so exciting" Jeremiah squealed and I chuckled, watching Harry move around the room, Noah still latched onto him, as he spoke to the guests and introduced Noah to his relatives that we have come to know over the last year. "Cake time!" Gemma yelled as she trolleyed in a three tier chocolate cake "This is the part I hate" Harry groaned and I pulled him by his arm "It's the fun part" I corrected his words as he pressed a kiss to my temple, Noah wrapped his arms around Harry's neck as everyone burst into the traditional birthday song only making Harry feel even more awkward. Relatives and friends gathered around for a mandatory round of photos with the birthday boy. "Did I tell you how incredible you are?" I giggled and Harry's arms snaked around my waist "Only never" I teased while he smirked, leaning towards me as he took my lips into his.

"How did you manage all of this? You can't keep secrets that well" Harry pointed out and I huffed "I can! Plus I had Gemma breathing down my neck like a watchdog so I didn't spill" Harry laughed "That sounds like my sister" I nodded in agreement. Soon the guests bid their goodbyes and wished Harry once more before they left, "We better get going too, Rose is getting fussy" Shawn sighed "When do you go back on tour?" Harry asked "In two weeks, I actually don't want to go and leave this little one again" Gemma drunkily latched onto the other side of Shawn with a pout "What about me?" Shawn chuckled and shook his head "You too, babe, let's get you to bed, yeah?" Gemma nodded and waved towards Harry and I "Sleep tight, lovebirds" She called as Shawn pulled her out the house "I'm pretty sure I'm adopted" I laughed at Harry's comment "She's just drunk and happy"

"Anyway, I have something for you" I said anxiously "What?" Harry frowned while I picked a sleeping Noah into my arms then grabbed onto Harry's hand, tugging him upstairs. "Babe?" I hummed as I placed Noah in his bed, tucking him in and then pulled Harry to our room. "Here" I handed a rectangular box to him, he gave me a questioning look with a raised eyebrow "Just open it" I whined and he chuckled "Okay" He undid the bow, leaving the ribbon aside and lifted the lid followed by removing the crepe paper I had added. I rested my chin on my clasped hands, in anticipation of his response, "Are you serious?" Harry gasped and I nodded feverishly, feeling my eyes start to well up "I found out two days ago so I thought of telling you as a birthday present" I let out a laugh at Harry's gobsmacked expression, his eyes were glued to the box before he looked up at me and spoke breathlessly "No fucking way! We're having a baby."

yayyyy a little Hanna!

things harry styles did : the watermelon sugar mv!!

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