When you do IT with him

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It was 10pm as you were heading to the bar. When you walked up to the doors, you tried to push them open. No lucky. "Dammit! I shouldn't have never trusted him." You said as you began to walk away until the doors opened revealing Angel Dust. "Hey doll glad you can make it." You rolled you eyes and walked in.

The bar had all kinds of alcohols. Especially liquor. But there was one thing missing. No one was there. "Why's the bar empty?"

"It's closed duh." Angel said as he closed the door and locked it. "Now that we're alone..." he then put his two bottom arms around you. "Let's make this night a little more.......interesting." Angel said with a little fire in his eyes. You tried to get out of his grasp but his arms were too strong.

He then lifted you up in the air and carried you to a dark room. He opened the door and it was a room with only a bed and a nightstand. You gulped. "Uh.....Angel, I don't think-" Angel gave you a sharp look. "Dust. Angel Dust." Angel smirked and begin to kiss your neck hard. You wanted to scream. You wanted to fight. You wanted to run........but you didn't. You felt pleasure. You felt loved. You also felt impatient. You then grabbed his face and begin to kiss him more.

Angel was surprised by it, but he soon adapt to it. "Oh yea baby!" He said as he kissed you harder and moved faster. He soon walked towards the bed and placed you on the bed and he begin to keep going. Your battle for dominance lasted forever. You never wanted it to end.


I know this is only the second chapter but that's how Angel is. Anyway hope you enjoyed it.

My Angel (Hazbin hotel Angel Dust x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now