When you buy baby shi-stuff

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"Come on Angel!" You called at you were struggling to get your shoes on. Why? Your baby bump has gotten bigger and it was getting hard for you to pull your knees to your chest. And it was also hard to put on shoes.

"Errr! Come on!" You said to yourself as you heard the door to the hotel room open. Knowing that it was Angel Dust, you hid your feet under the covers. "Hey babe I'm ready." Angel said as he sat on the bed with you. "Okay." You said rather too quickly. Angel raised his eyebrow. "You good?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm good." You stuttered as Angel leaned into you and wrapped his two arms around you. You gulped and blushed.

Before you could reply, you felt a ticklish feeling on both of your feet. You tried to cover your mouth from giggling. "Hehehehe Angel hehehehe."

"What's wrong sugar cakes? A little...ticklish?" He asked as you tried to grab your feet, but due to the bump, that was completely useless. "Angel stop HAHAHAHAHAHA please hahahahahaha." Angel quit the little tickle attack. "Need any help?" He asked as you nodded.


Once, you got your shoes on, you and Angel said goodbye to Henry and Fat Nuggets. (I'm sry I didn't add Fat Nuggets sooner. He'll be in other chapters later okay) "We'll be back soon okay?" You said to them as Henry and Fat Nuggets barked and oinked.

You and Angel went to the store and looked at all the baby things they had. Good thing you had a whole lot of money cause buying the clothes would not be possible.

You were zooming all around the store. And that's saying something coming from a pregnant wolf in a store. "Okay Angel what do we have?" You asked as you looked back at your boyfriend who looked like he was about to pass out. And the cart was now almost full. "Let's see...baby clothes, baby bottles, baby toys, diapers, baby powder, we missing anything?" He asked with a huff as you thought about it and said, "What about the baby binkies?"

"That too."

"That baby blankets?"


"Baby cribs?"


"Baby mobiles?" You asked as Angel hesitated. Which suddenly made you mad. "We'll get to it!" You shouted as Angel immediately did the task.

After you grabbed everything, Angel paid for all the stuff and kissed your cheek. "Let's go back home babe." He said as he felt your stomach. "And let's decorate all of your rooms." He said in a little baby talk that made you giggle.

You were almost out of the store until someone shouted, "HEY! YOU TOOK MY BABY'S BLANKET!"


"WHERE ARE MY DAUGHTER'S DIAPERS!?" You gave Angel an 'Gimme one reason why I shouldn't kill you' look. Angel replied with a 'Cause I'm the father of your children?' look. "Angel. What did you do?"

"...Run." Was all he said before he swooped you up and ran out the store with all the kids' stuff as well.


"Angel!? Are you serious!?"

"What, it was easy to steal."

"THAT'S YOUR DEFENSE!?" You yelled as you were being pushed in the cart. "Calm down babe. We're almost at the hotel."

"And once we're there, you're gonna be sleeping on the couch tonight." You furiously said as you crossed your arms. You heard Angel gulped which would've been satisfying if you didn't suddenly hear a lot of noise in the hotel. "What's that?" You asked as Angel opened the door to reveal a madhouse.

You found the whole hotel trashed and Niffty trying to keep the animals under control. But if that wasn't bad enough then you didn't see the cat fight. Yeah, you read that right. Cat fight. Well, more like a cat and mouse fight. You saw (H/g) and Husk fighting and tumbling around the hotel. "WHAT THE HELL!?" You yelled at the fighting suddenly stopped. (H/g) looked at you with shock and fear. You kept your face furious.

"I can expla-WAH!" (H/g) tried to say as Husk flipped her onto the floor. "Son of a bitch!" Husk said as was about to pounce before he looked at you as made a little 'meow' voice and backed away. You facepalmed. "Please tell me Charlie's not here."

"She went out with Vaggie" Niffty answer as the door opened to find (Al/g) and Alastor. "Hey guys-What the fuck!?" (Al/g) yelled as she and Alastor noticed the room. Even Alastor's eyes turned big for a moment. "My my, what happened here?" Alastor asked as he saw (H/g) and Husk covered in scratches. "Would someone care to explain?"

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