The twins

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You were inside yours and Angel's room as you felt the heavy weight of the babies. They were desperate to get out of the womb. "Oh God! It hurts!" You screamed as Angel grabbed your hands. "Just breathe okay honey?" Angel said as you nodded.

Charlie and Nifty looked at you with neutral expressions. "Don't worry (Y/N), we got this." she said with a determined look. Charlie then turned to Nifty. "Nifty, get some water and a blanket." Charlie ordered as Nifty ran out of the room and got everything that she said. Charlie put the blanket over your legs and Nifty got you a drink of water.

You drank it quickly. "Thanks Nifty-AHHHHH!" You didn't have time to say anything else. "Okay, you ready?" Charlie asked as you nodded. "Angel, make sure she doesn't let go." Angel nodded as well. "Alright now...push!"

"ERRRRRR!" You yelled as you began to squeeze Angel's hands so hard he had to replace them with the other two.  "Good job." Charlie said as you relaxed for a bit. But it didn't last long. You felt another contraction. This time, more painful. "Alright, another push please." Charlie said as you pushed a second time. You felt hot tears forming from your eyes as you noticed Fat Nuggets and Henry on the floor fainted from seeing too much blood. "Alright, she's almost out. We need one more push okay?" Charlie asked.

"O-Okay." You managed to say as you squeezed Angel's hand so bad, he couldn't even let go. "Oh please let this end." Angel silently prayed. "Now push."

"AHHHHHH!" You screamed as you suddenly heard a baby cry. You looked to see a baby in Charlie's arms. "Hey there beautiful." She said as she handed the baby to Nifty. "It's a girl." she simply said which caused both you and Angel to smile.

You were about to say something when another contraction started. "Oh no. He's coming!" You shouted referring to your son. "Don't panic. Just do exactly what we did with the girl." Charlie explained as you gave a push for your son. "Good girl." Charlie said as she nodded for you to push again. You gave you second push a little nudge but it still wasn't enough to get him out. "Okay (Y/N), one last push okay?" Charlie said as you gave it your all.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" You screamed so bad, even God could hear it. You heard a second baby cry. "There you go little guy." Charlie said as she place the baby with Nifty.

You're contractions finally stopped. "Oh thank God."

"You said it." Angel agreed as he rubbed his hands. Nifty, finished cutting the umbilical cords for both babies. "Here you go." she said as she handed the first one to you. You looked at the little baby girl in your arms. "Hi there. Oh my're so beautiful." You replied as the baby looked at you with curiosity. "She opened her eyes." Angel said as Nifty gave the boy to Angel Dust. "Honey, look at him." he said as you turned to your husband and noticed your son in his arms. He looked just like his father. He also had one white eye and one black eye. "He's got your eyes." You said as the little girl gave out a cute sneeze. You chuckled.

"So, what're you gonna name them?" Charlie asked as you thought about it. "That was easy." You said as you looked at the girl. "Her name is Karma." You said as Angel looked at his son. "And the boy is Anarchy."

Charlie and Nifty smiled at you as they both decided to leave you two alone with your new twins.

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