When he gets hurt/Sneak peek❤️

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Alastor: (looks at my phone and realized that we have over 90k views) Impressive darling

I know right! Just 10k more and your book will she published! Oh my god I'm so happy I could die

Alastor: you're already dead

Oh right. Anyway onto the story


You leaned in the chair as you wiped off the remaining sweat off your forehead. "Whew! That's the last of them." You said as Husk gave you a grateful nod. "Good thing too, I was on the urge of passing out as well." He said as you got up from the chair and walked over to him. "Hey, can I ask you something?"


"When was the last time you had an easy night?"

"Never." Husk said as you widen your eyes. "Seriously! No break?!"

"No break."

"Damn you must be tired." You said as Husk rolled his eyes. "More than you know." All of a sudden, the door burst opened to reveal Angel Dust. He had some bruises on him. You gasped. "Angel!" You said as you rushed over to him. He held you close. "It's okay, I'm fine."

"You're not fine, I see a cut on your arm." You said as you looked at his left arm. "Oh that uh...I got cut...on the..."

"You can't think of anything can you."

"...it was a knife."

"ANGEL DUST!?" You said as you punched his gut. "Ow What the? C'mon I'm already hurt in the process."

"Sorry." You said as you led him into bat so he can sit in a chair. Husk facepalmed. "Man, this is the third time this month."

"Wait, he did this before!?"

"Yep." Husk said as he went to get the first aid kit...again. "Angel, What's going on?"



"I swear, it was nothing." He said in a serious tone. You sighed in relief. "I just wanted to know Okay?"

"I'm back." Husk said as he gave you the equipment. You patched up Angel's wounds. "Feel better?"

"I still have pain right here." Angel said pointing at his mouth. You knew he wanted a kiss but you decided to do something else. "Alright, close your eyes." You said with a smirked on your face as his eyes were closed. You then took a bandage and put it over his mouth. When he opened his eyes again, he was very surprised. Husk burst out laughing. "Best. Answer. Ever!"

"Feel better now?" You said laughing as well as Angel took off the bandage. Angel rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna get you back little girl." You said as you only stuck your tongue out in response.


Guess what readers.....here comes a sneak peek of the new Alastor x reader book. Starring Alastor! Take it away Al!


Your feet were pounding as the drops of rain rushed through you hair and poured onto your skin. The pain, the guilt, the agony. All of it. Coursing into your veins.

Every drop reminded you on how bad this day was gonna get. Everyone told you about him. Everyone tried to warn you. Everyone tried to save you. But you couldn't be saved. You were lost. So completely lost. And now, he was gonna get you. His final catch.

As you end up in a dark alley, you tripped onto a fallen trash can hoping that it wouldn't cause any noise. Unfortunately, your luck ran out on you as your attacker looked straight into your eyes. His cruel smile rolled into his face as his evil sneer teased your distress. "Come back little kitten. Don't you wanna play?" He said as he held out your collar. The collar you whore every day and night because you were his little lost kitten. The kitten he abused and played with. And now that kitten was broken. And he didn't care.

As he came closer to you, you backed away. "No...p-please. I'm sorry for running. I-I'll come back, I promise."

"Sorry's not gonna cut it." He said as he took out his knife. That same knife he used to cut you open one time. "No p-please. I'll do anything. Please!" You yelled with all your night hoping for somebody, anybody to hear your cry for help. Just as faith was in your hands, a gunshot was fired at the man. He fell to the floor by your side. He was dead. Gone. You were free. Finally free.

You looked up towards your savior. He was in a red coat and he had a red staff with him. You went over to him but when you got close, he walked away. "Wait!" You said as you tried to follow him. When you turned the corner he was gone. "Who were you?" You asked as you never forgot that moment ever again.


So what'd you guys think?

My Angel (Hazbin hotel Angel Dust x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now