When you and Angel stay at the hotel

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You were so excited. After begging for Angel to come with you, you finally convinced him to come. Come where, you may ask? Well to the hotel of course.

You never really understood why you ended up in hell in the first place. Sure, you were a bad teenager at some points but you didn't kill anyone. Well, whatever it was, you wanted to go to heaven. And this just might be the gateway to your true happy place. Besides with Angel of course.

You were in Charlie's limo as one of her goat guards (I don't know the names but I do know they're twins) was driving the car to the hotel. You were so excited you climbed to two of Angel's arms. "I'm so excited. So excited!!! I can't wait! You wanna know why!?" You asked your boyfriend even though he already knew the answer. He sighed. "Because were going to the hotel."

"Because were going to the hotel!" You said with a girly scream.

Soon, you pulled up at the hotel. It was so big. It had normal windows on it and it said 'Happy Hotel' on the roof. You then looked at the door. The design was incredible. You couldn't wait to see there inside. You pulled on Angel's arms again. "Cmon Cmon lets go inside."

"Okay, okay, jeez." Angel said as he chuckled at your silliness. You smiled more as he opened the door for you. You smile grew wider as you saw the inside of the hotel. It was so beautiful. It was so red. Like, fire. But it felt right. It was the good kind of red and not the kind of red Satan gave you when you came here. You squealed when you saw your friends. "CHARLIE!!!"

"(Y/N)!!" Both you and Charlie said your names as you both crashed into each other and hugged. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too."

"What brings you here?" Charlie asked. "Well I was thinking...and maybe...I decided that we should...help with the hotel."

"WHAT!?" You and the girls turned to Angel. You glared at him. "We talked about this Angel." You said as he looked at your glared and smiled nervously. "I mean uh...yeah the uh...hotel...can't wait." He said as he chuckled nervously. You only rolled your eyes. "Don't mind him."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Vaggie said as you and Charlie giggled. "Oh, I have a spare hotel room for both of you. Wanna stay there for the night?" Charlie asked as your eyes immediately sparkled. You looked at Angel who looked at you like you were crazy. "(Y/N)-"

"Cmon it's only for one night. Please?" You asked with puppy dog eyes now. Angel couldn't resist anymore and sighed. "Alright."

"YES!!!!" You said as you hugged him tightly. "Thanks you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!" You changed over and over as he carried you to the hotel room.

My Angel (Hazbin hotel Angel Dust x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now