When you wake up

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12 hours later

The moment you opened your eyes, you felt pain. Everywhere. It was like you just got burned into a fire and been pulled back out. You felt a mask on your face as you realized you were breathing in a breathing mask. You looked to your right and saw a huge bandage on your arm. It covered up everything but your fingers. You looked to your left and saw the same thing. The only difference is that it was only a little bandage and it was only covering your shoulder.

You tried to sit up when you felt a strong force push you down. "Don't move." You looked up to see a tall looking spider. "A-Angel?"

"Hey babe." Angel said as he smiled at you and bent down to kiss your cheek. "Wh-What happened?" You asked as Angel lost his smile and looked away. "Y-You've been shot....and-"

"(Y/N)!" You looked to see your best friends Charlie and Vaggie. You smiled at them. "Charlie. Vaggie." You said as Charlie hugged you making sure it wasn't too tight. "We thought you were a goner." Vaggie said. You chuckled. "It takes a lot more then a piece of metal to take me down." You said with a smirk as everyone started to look at each other with worry. You lost your smirk. "Okay, what is it?" You asked in a more serious tone.

Angel sighed. "Um Vaggie, Charlie, is it okay if I um..."

"Of course." Charlie said as she and Vaggie left the room. Angel sighed and looked at you. "Promise me that you won't get emotional." He said as you raised your eye brow. Angel sighed again. "After you were shot..."


"(Y/N)!!!!!" Everyone said in unison as your body hit the floor. The boys ran towards you as Ian lifted your head. "(Y/N)? (Y/N), wake up!" Angel said as he shook you a little. "Dude stop. She's been shot." Trevor said. "Don't you think I know that!?"

"Guys stop!" Jake said as everyone turned to him. "Look, we all want (Y/N) to be okay. Let's get her out of here and then we can yell. Understand?" Jake said as Angel and Trevor nodded. "Alright. Fire Tamer-"

"Already on it!" Ian said as he brought out a match. "Alright! Get outta here while I blow this place up."

"NO YOU CANT!" A voice said as the boys turned to the Reaper. Ian smirked as he lit up the match. "GO NOW!" Without a second to waste, the boys picked you up and ran out of the building. Ian threw the match towards the men and ran out as well.

By the time Ian was out the door, the building blew up to pieces. He ran towards you and the others. "Everyone alright?"

"Yeah, were good." Trevor said as he turned back to your unconscious body. "You must be her boyfriend." He said to Angel. Angel nodded. "You damn right I am."

End of Flashback

"After we took you to the hospital, you lost a lot of blood. We thought you weren't gonna make it." Angel said as he started to tear up a bit. You tried to reach for him so you could dry his tears. You were only able to grab his hand. Angel held your hand as he looked at you. "Please don't look at me like this."

"Angel, I'm so-"

"No! Don't you dare apologize." Angel said as he looked at you still having tears in his eyes. "You were hurt. I should've told you where I was." He said as he hugged you tightly. But you didn't care. You started to cry a little too as you hugged him. "Angel?"

"Yes baby?"

"We're the boys?" You asked as Angel coughed a little and let you go. "There in the-"

"(Y/N)!" Trevor said as he walked into the room with Ian and Jake. "Guys." You said as you reached out for them. Well, tried to anyway. The boys laughed at your naive behavior and hugged you. The boys turned to Angel. "So...you're her boyfriend?"

"Yep." Angel said as Trevor walked towards him. "I appreciate that (Y/N) has found someone like you. But if you hurt her, you will die by my own hands." Trevor said as his eyes started to turn red and he cracked his knuckles. Angel gulped. "She's my one and only. You'll have to mind control me in order for me to hurt her."

"Good." Trevor said as he lost his evil eyes and looked back at you. You laughed. "Guys, it's okay. He's not like the other one."

"What other one?"

"Another time buddy."

My Angel (Hazbin hotel Angel Dust x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now