"The Babies Are Coming!"

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It's been almost 2 hours and we haven't located (Al/g) yet. That last thing we heard was that she suddenly ran away out of sadness. Angel tried to ask Charlie or Vaggie, but they didn't know anything. I wanted to ask Alastor but the fact that he knew that his girlfriend was out there was hard enough. Lastly, we tried Husk and (H/g). Husk only shrugged at the question but (H/g) didn't respond at all. Just looked away sadly.

I turned my attention to Angel. "Do you think she's gonna be okay?" I asked, worried for my friend. Angel was in his own thoughts so I nudged him a bit. "Oh um...well...I'm not sure babe. This is hell were talking about. Safe, is not one of the words that describe it." He had a point. He'll was far from safe. Especially with the extermination- Oh god!

You almost fully stood up if not for your babies carrying your weight. "Angel! What day is it?" You asked as Angel looked at the big clock that read '002 until extermination.' "Um...2 days."

"2 days til what?"

"...extermination." I almost flipped out as everyone turned there attention to me. "If we're gonna find (Al/g), we need to find her now!" I said as Alastor started to hold his glare at...(H/g)?

Alastor's smile started to turn cruel. "My dear...do you have something to hide?" He asked as (H/g) only turned away from him. Immediately, Husk stepped in. "She's got nothing to hide. Get away from her." He replied as Alastor clenched his hand into a fist. His face may not resemble any anger, but his hand already said enough.

"My dear, I'll ask again."

A sharp pain fell through my hips as I felt water rolling down my pants. "Um guys?" I tried to say but no one listened.

"Do you..."

"Guys?" The sharp pain started and I had to close my mouth to keep from crying out in pain.

"Or do you not..."

"Guys?" I tried to say a little louder as I felt tears rolling down my eyes.

"Have something to hide."

"GUYS!!!" I screamed as I almost fell to the floor of it wasn't for Angel. I clenched my hands onto his shoulder and yelled to Satan himself, "THE BABIES ARE COMING!!!!!!"

My Angel (Hazbin hotel Angel Dust x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now