The tale of the purified ghost

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As you and Angel Dust arrived at the hotel, the door opened to reveal Razzle and Dazzle. "Hi you two. We're here to see Charlie." The goats nodded and called out for Charlie. Charlie came to the door and smiled. "Hey guys, come in." She said as you both walked in.

Angel groaned. "I still hate this place." He said as you nudged him. "Be nice."

"So, What'd you wanna talk about?" Charlie asked as you both looked at each and sighed. You and Angel told her everything that happened. Charlie was surprised by this. "That's some story. Though I think I know what might help." She said as she snapped her fingers and a book appeared in her hands. Though, it was heavy so she almost fell over. "C'mon, lets go somewhere private."

"Okay." You said as you, Angel, and Charlie went into her office. Vaggie was there too. Charlie locked the door so no one could get in. "So...what happened?" You asked as Charlie opened the book and turned to a certain page. "The tale of the purified ghost." She said as she read the title. "It says here that the ghost use to be a young boy. He died in a house fire. Though he didn't really leave. It says here that he became a ghost. His whole family will be cursed to be a ghost for all eternity. (Y/N)...he's is you great-great-great-granduncle." Charlie said as you widen your eyes in shock.

"My what?"

"You were probably cursed with it too. That's why the spikes didn't hurt you. You were purified." Charlie said as you held your head from all of this info. "I-I think I need to sit down." You said as Angel led you to a chair. "I'm sorry (Y/N)."

"No, no, it's fine. Its just...a lot to take in." You said as you sat down in the chair holding your head. "Can you...let me borrow the book for a while?"

My Angel (Hazbin hotel Angel Dust x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now