Chapter 1: I'm Not Me

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In my external life, I couldn't be more blessed. But the internal battles that were going on...I felt like I never deserved any of it like I was living someone else's dream.. ~Cara Delevingne

Chapter 1: I'm Not Me

"Avery baby you're not supposed to be this way!" Alaina, Avery's mother said as she grabbed her daughter's face as tears slowly slid down both their cheeks.

"Mommy I tried, I-I can't be with a man." Avery replied shaking her head.

Alaina sighed letting her daughter's face go, she turned away from her and deeply sighed. She knew this was the hardest thing she had to do but it needed to be done.

"Dirk!" Her mom shouted. "Maybe this will help you." Was the last thing her mom said to her as she past 3 strange men coming into the living room as she was walking put the house.

"M-mommy please..." Avery backed away from the men as they surrounded her like bait. The fromt door slammed and Avery was turned around roughly and slammed up against the wall. The side of her face ached and she struggled to break free as they ripped her clothes. "Please don't do this--"

"Mrs. Fenty you hear me?" Natalie said snapping her fingers in Avery's face.

"Huh?" Avery said shaking the bad memory off as if it didn't happen.

"You okay?" Natalie asked, she had been working for 2 months now amd she absolutely loved it around her. Avery and her had a cool bond, and Natalie kept her in order. Avery was impressed with Natalie, because of her she hasn't missed an appointment, she eats breakfast, and she makes sure Avery's paced so that she has time to go home and rest.

"Yeah just thinking about the summer line for FENTY." Avery quickly lied. She pulled her phone out quickly typing in her password to unlock her phone. She went to the unknown number's message thread.

It's your Avery I need to see you.. (3:22 AM)

Avery I know you're up you never sleep at night. (3:45 AM)

Please? (4:23 AM)

"I find it real cute how you just lied to me Avery Elaine Fenty." Natalie said with a chuckle of disbelief. "Since when did we start doing that?"

"I uh..." Avery sat her phone down sighing. "My mom she wants to see me and I haven't seen her in 11 years." She admitted slightly shrugging.

"Well why haven't you?" Natalie asked.

"I'm a lesbian." She answered with the best version of the truth.

"Liar." Natalie said sitting her clipboard down. She got up turning on her high heel red bottoms walking to the door. Though she didn't purposely switch Avery's eyes fell to her ass as she walked toward the door. She bit her bottom lip slightly as Natalie closed the door. She sat up straight looking away before Natalie could turn around and return to her seat. "Spill it." Natalie said snapping her fingers. "Dr. Brown is listening." Natalie said making Avery laugh.

The laughter soon stopped once she remembered. She didn't understand why she couldn't hate her mom the way she wanted to. She didn't hate her at all, in fact she loved her with all her heart. "My mom had 3 men rape me when I was 19 because I loved women." Avery said and woth every word Natalie's fave expression changed.

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