Chapter 10: Confessions

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It's less about the lie, and more about the cover up. ~Unknown


Chapter 10: Confessions

The tears that rolled down Jewels cheeks worried Avery. Her heart dropped when her wife's gorgeous brown eyes met hers, Avery took a deep breath preparing herself for the unexpected. She reached over using her thumbs to wipe the tears falling from her wife's eyes. "Whatever it is we can work through it." Avery reassured her.

"I-I don't know baby I messed up." Bey replied looking down.

"It's okay Jewels we all make mistakes." She said placing a kiss on Jewels forehead.

"I've been having an affair." Jewels spoke softly, she forced herself to look at Avery.

"What?" Avery asked confused by what was just said to her.

"I-I had sex with someone else, or I've been having sex with someone else and I'm pregnant." Jewels said as gently as she could and she seen the emotion leave Avery's face and for a split moment she could see the resentment the rage.

Avery took a deep breath getting up from the piano. She didn't want to revert to her old self, the violent Avery. Jewels got up following Avery into the bedroom, "You said you'd stay the weekend A-"

"I'm not going anywhere I had to breathe before I made my next move because it was the wrong move." Avery spoke angrily as Jewels entered the room behind her.

"I'm sorry Avery-"

"Do you love him?" Avery asked Jewels as she dropped her phone on the bed.

"No.." Jewels replied grabbing her wife's hands.

"How did we get here? Our marriage used to be so great."

"You stopped seeing me." Jewels said letting tears fall.

"You stopped being who I fell for." Avery replied. "I met a woman.." Avery said smiling at the thought of the new woman.

"I know." Jewels said knowing a long time ago when her wife's affair started. "You love her?"

Avery's green orbs connected with her wife's honey brown orbs. "I do..." She mumbled letting her head fall ashamed to even look at her wife.

Jewels was happy Avery finally admitted it, she chuckled nodding her head. "I knew it.." Jewels said. "I fuckin knew it, did you fuck her Avery?" The southern accent Jewels did a great job hiding began to slip as anger took over her.

"No baby, I stopped talking to her 6 months ago when she kissed me. I never wanted to hurt you again, I wanted you to know that it's you. I fucked up and I let my feelings get outta hand and for that I apologize I made a mistake and I did my best to fix it to learn from it. I was not lying when I told you, you were the only girl for me Jewels."

"Were?" Jewels whispered. "You leaving me?" Jewels asked

"Who are you having an affair with Jewels?" Avery asked sitting down on the bed.

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