Chapter 3: L is for...

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Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about. -Unknown

Chapter 3: L is for...

"Head up love." Natalie said to Avery who was all over the place. Any minute now she would be facing her mother after all the terrible things that went down. "You are hot shit Avery there's nothing she can take away from you ever again. Don't forget it, I'm gonna go over to the other table if I see you drop your head again I'll kill you with my eyes." She threatened Avery making her laugh.

Natalie moved over to the next table and Avery looked around. Her eyes landed on her mother walking into the bar and grill. Avery's smile dropped and at first she was nervous and scared but she felt Natalie staring a hole into the back of her head and she slightly smiled feeling a little bit okay.

"Avery." Avery's mother said standing at the end of the table.

"Hey Ma." Avery spoke she was holding her breath. She took a seat across from Avery.

"How are you? Heard you got married."

"I'm okay and yeah her name is Jewels she's a teacher over at Woodland High." Avery explained woth a smile on her face. She loved her wife so much she bragged about her whenever she could. She was the luckiest person in the world to have someone like Jewels.

"Why isn't she here? I would've loved to meet her."

"I didn't know how this meeting was gonna go." Avery answered truthfully.

"I understand. Look, I apologize for everything. Life hasn't really been nice to me since I did what I did to you. I understand you aren't going to change and this is who you are and although I don't agree with it I still love you Avery and I want to fix our relationship." Avery let out that deep breath she was holding. This was too good to be true, her mother wanted something and Avery knew it but the thought of finally having her mother by her side made her heart race. She went with the fairytale thinking instead and smiled.

"I forgive you mommy." Avery said making her mom smile. Jewels never liked Avery's mom and had she been aware of her trying to come back around she would've out a stop to it. Only for Avery's mental health, Jewels knew the kind of mental damage Avery's mother could do. "Nat you can come out of hiding!" Avery shouted and Natalie got up from the table next to them and moved back to their original table sitting next to Avery. "Ma this is my best friend Natalie." Avery said introducing Natalie to her mother.

The dinner went on from there, and it was actually going good. Natalie keeping Avery and Avery's mom laughing and talking. They all got to know each other more, and though they didn't know it this brought Avery and Natalie even closer. Both of them ignored their phones and the later it got the more they drank and enjoyed each others company.

Jewels sat at the bar looking around for Avery once again. They had agreed to meet here two hours ago and Avery wasn't answering the phone. "Can't believe this shit." Jewels slurred as she got up from the stool.

"Mrs. Fenty?" A familiar voice filled her ears and her breathing holted for a split second. She turned around coming face to face with Nathan.

"Wh-What are you doing in here Nathan?" She stumbled over her words she was a bit drunk.

"Shhhh don't snitch, come here." He said grabbing her arm. "Yo Russ red room occupied!" Nathan shouted and the bouncer gave Nathan a thumbs up. He dragged Jewels through the bar and into a hall. He used a key on his key ring to unlock a door. He pushed it open and pulled her in the room. "Are you okay?" He asked her.

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